wakoflakotaco says... #2
Stormbreath Dragon is better than Thunderbreak in this situation, but that could be too high on your curve. Rending Volleyis decent but not the best in sideboard. Stoke the Flames Is almost essential in this deck b/c you can sometimes pay no mana for instant speed 4 dmg. Possibly looking into more things to trigger prowess on Monastery Swiftspear. Eidolon of the Great Revel is never a bad thing in the deck because it discourages your opponent from playing early game answers. If you're liking the aspect of adding lots of tiny creatures, you might want to add 2x Goblin Rabblemaster and 4x Foundry Street Denizen
Geezer says... #1
What card?
July 18, 2015 12:03 p.m.