mono black aggro

Duel Commander* elfric


3drinks says... #1

Once you figure in lands, your effective curve is 1.05! That's fast enough to put my Bellstriker to shame.

September 16, 2017 8:08 p.m.

Honor_Basquiat says... #2

Excellent list.

Ulcerate seems like it's worth playing. I'm not sure if Treacherous Pit-Dweller is worth the trouble.

Culling the Weak is better than it seems.

Vampire's Bite seems bad if you aren't kicking it which you probably aren't. Bonesplitter could be worth trying.

Sign in Blood might be worth playing, but you might see it as too slow. It feels amazing when you get the win by making your opponent lose 2 life!

No Fatal Push?

I know your curve is super low, but 29 lands seems like there will be multiple games where you have trouble making it to 3rd swamp to cast commander. Maybe go to 30-31?

June 29, 2018 4:38 a.m.

elfric says... #3

thank you Honor_Basquiat.

click on "sort deck by types" to see the standart ordering.

you might not be shure about the cards i play but i am.

if you want some more detailed explanations on card choices i can do that. but basically if you really want to grasp it test this deck yourself and you can see certain nuances and why i made my choices. i cut cards like bonesplitter/sign in blood years ago and pit dweller won more games than he lost me those.

vampire's bite is a decent card. it is in here both for the instant speed and the mana/damage ratio. it came into the deck when duel changed to 20 life and has since then been good if against other aggro/burn. it will probalby be replaced by the new sovereign's bite but even that needs testing. maybe foul tongue shriek is the better cut. i dont know yet.

graveyard marshall replaces Embraal Bruiser as its colorless mana doesnt help with hall of the banditlord. the evasion also wasnt active as often since the moxen (and with it winter orb) are gone.

July 1, 2018 4:24 p.m.

3drinks says... #4

With the Zurgo ban, it might be time I revisited this deck. Kari Zev just doesn't feel the same but this was always fun.

July 3, 2018 6:54 a.m.

3drinks says... #5

I'm not totally convinced it's better than this deck here, but it's surely worth comparison nonetheless. 1st place finish for MBA.

October 23, 2018 8:47 a.m.

elfric says... #6


  1. sad but true: duel edh died out where i play. nontheless drana is a good deck but there might be some cards in the last sets i didnt look over so my list is not up to date.

  2. that deck is mono black but not aggro. with that curve its much slower at setting up pressure. but all the fleshbag marauder variants are very good value engines with that commander. lots of control and midrange creature curve with a topping of big finishers. look it won against spirit tribal.

in short the difference is that drana asks for sweepers. the other deck has way more answers and wants to make value in those card-trades. coffers, 39 lands total.... unplayable in drana.

  1. i'm stil waiting for another cmc1 2 power beater to replace the slot of the worst cmc1 dude. the remaining 3 are solid: one is unblockable and the other 2 cost 1 colorless mana that synergices with hall of the bandit lord. really the 1 drops are the best cards in drana. without them the deck would not be able to apply as much pressure on a consistent basis.
October 24, 2018 2:44 p.m.

3drinks says... #7

Yeah that's what I thought when I read over it. I don't believe I ever saw that deck's commander and the CA aspects of it was enticing, but yes, 3 for a 3/3 that doesn't really improve the clock does not an aggro deck make. For the same reasons that Alesha isn't an aggro deck.

Sad to hear about DC in your area, mine is barely hanging on by a thread too. One store...and I always work on the day

October 25, 2018 6:53 p.m.

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