I would LOVE suggestions on how to make this deck better
Version 2.0 of my Junk deck CoCo Puffs.I found that the Junk minrange base for Collected Company
Devoted Druid
left the combo vulnerable, slow, and quite hard to achieve. In this rendition of the deck, I've used a Jund control base. After preliminary testing, this seems to perform significantly better with 8 mainboard kill-spells, two ways to save my dead combo pieces, and 3 targeted disruption spells (Unfortunately few).
Previously, I had good matchups only against burn, post-board affinity, junk and zoo. With the changes, the deck now steam rolls Grixis delver, can deal with Twin pre-board, grinds about evenly with USA, and generally has better matchups against creature decks, control decks, and combo decks.
The Combo
Devoted Druid
: This is the combo, it should be pretty self explanitory. Tap druid, add a -1/-1 counter, activate quillspike, wash, rinse, repeat. 7
Terminate: Running red and black gives access to Terminate and Dreadbore as removal options. With terminate, I can deal with enemy Lili's, and have an efficient, no-drawback response to almost every deck in the meta. 2
Lightning Bolt: If you run red, you run Bolt. Period. 4
Abrupt Decay: Abrupt decay hits Blood Moon, Bitterblossom, Pestermite, Tarmogoyf, and more than half the relevant creatures in the metagame. 2
Collected Company: This card is the "Pod" of this deck. Unfortunantly, since we're only running 19 creatures, it's not as good as it was in CoCo Puffs, and wiffs sometimes. However, It does allow us to look for the combo 6 cards at a time, and it still generates value on a regular basis. 3
Kolaghan's Command: Everything this card does is relevant, it revives combo pieces, it removes small high value targets, it chops up the opponent's hand as a bonus, and pre-board, it wrecks affinity. 2
Liliana of the Veil: This just makes sense. At one point I had the new Lili in, because of her ability to be fetched by CoCo, but now I'm pretty sure Veil is still better. 3?
At only 3 hand disrupters plus Kolaghan's, this is the only part of the deck I am really unsatisfied with. Post-board, however, we can have 4 more.
OthersCards not listed above are either creatures, lands or cards I am not entirely sure about.