Simic Plague [Infect] ☣

Modern* Dadouuxx


Happydjus says... #1

I'm building a very similar deck right now. Just my opinion would be switch the Yavimaya Coast with Hinterland Harbor , also since you don't run Hierarchs yet, 2X Cathedral of War and 2X Birds of Paradise to push through exalted damage as well as mana fix. Also 2X Pendelhaven for the tap effect. For your side I would recommend Twisted Image , it gives you card draw and kills those pesky Spellskite . Also possibly Hunt the Hunter and Dismember to deal with Melira. Just my opinions, I know everyone has their own style for running a deck.

September 23, 2014 10:47 a.m.

Dadouuxx says... #2

Thx Happudjus for your comment. I'm new in the format and don't really know what should i play in my side but i'll think about Dismember and Hunt the Hunter .

I have to admit that i play Yavimaya Coast because i already have some from M15. I was actually thinking about 2x Cathedral of War but i was worried about the colorless... Is it a problem for you?

About Birds of Paradise i feel, instead of Noble Hierarch (because of Exhalted ofc) that is a dead card if you donc get it in your oppening hand? Am i wrong?

Thx for all your tips and sorry for my english it's not my native language :3

September 23, 2014 1 p.m.

Happydjus says... #3

The Birds and Cathedral basically become a Budget Hierarch and give you more mana fixing. They aren't necessary to run. Cathedral isn't used for the mana really, only for the Exalted trigger it gives. Just my opinion they work well, yes if you don't have Birds in your opening hand it's basically a dead card. I am only going to be running two in the deck.

As for the side, your's is very similar to mine, I have seen people run Torpor Orb to counter Spellskite. Really the two big things you are siding for are Spellskite and Melira so if you have them countered you should be good. (Sorry for not syntax tagging the cards, on an iPad)

September 23, 2014 6:27 p.m.

Dadouuxx says... #4

Thx again for all your tips Happydjus,

i'll try the Cathedral and the bird after this version to see if it's more powerfull or not. :)

Do you know if people use to play Melira, Sylvok Outcast in modern or not? I'm new in the format :p

September 24, 2014 9:46 a.m.

Happydjus says... #5

Yep there is a deck called Melira Pod that is very common. It all depends where you are using the deck though. Most people tend to tailor their sideboards toward whatever the common decks are at wherever they play their tournaments.

September 24, 2014 3:01 p.m.

Dadouuxx says... #6

Actually i think i'll just play with my friend un modern. I use to play standard in FNM but i think i'm not ready for, even small, modern tournaments. Thx for all you tips :D

September 25, 2014 8:30 p.m.

lowe_gule says... #7

What do you think of the new card Slip Through Space? Give you evasion and draw.

April 11, 2016 9:04 a.m.

Dadouuxx says... #8

I actually did try it and it felt not bad but not as strong as Distortion Strike. The reason is probably the way i play my deck as I use to play it as a true combo deck (Some people just go strait aggro but with infect dmg). The thing is :

With Slip Through Space you might be able to draw one more card and feed instantly your graveyard for Become Immense and combo this turn. But the fact is that infect doesn't use to have tons of mana and it's often safer to go for the kill in two turns, plus you will draw the card you would have anyway, but you can keep a protection spell up during you next turns. +1/+0 can be a relevant factor as it actually a +2/+0 pump spells over two turns. That means with no other pump spell you will deal 4dmg from here you just need 6 more -> Delving for Become Immense is still possible while leaving mana open for protection spells, things that you might not have been able to do the turn before.

April 12, 2016 5:25 p.m.

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