
Name and Legality:

Rakdos is a Black-Red Bicolor deck

Madness and Burn are the Key Mechanics of the Deck.

Standard Pauper Legal: Is a Casual Format, build with the common cards in the current Standard. This Standard will stay Until october 2017 (Zendikar and Innistrad will leave Standard).


Madness: Olivia's Dragoon, Insolent Neonate, Fiery Temper , Alms of the Vein, Murderous Compulsion , Cathartic Reunion

Burn: Thermo-Alchemist, Fiery Temper , Shock, Alms of the Vein, Touch of the Void, Galvanic Bombardment , Consuming Sinkhole

Draw: Cathartic Reunion, Insolent Neonate, (maybe) Succumb to Temptation

Lifegain: Alms of the Vein , Shamble Back


= Alms of the Vein + Cathartic Reunion + Fiery Temper = Draw 3 cards, Hit for 6 (or 3+3), gain 3 lifes, 3 Triggers for Thermo-Alchemist (3 more dmg)

= Cathartic Reunion + Fiery Temper + Fiery Temper = Draw 3 cards, Hit for 6, 3 Triggers for Thermo-Alchemist (3 more dmg)

= Alms of the Vein + Alms of the Vein + Cathartic Reunion = Draw 3 cards, Hit for 6, gain 6 lifes, 3 Triggers for Thermo-Alchemist (3 more dmg)

= Cathartic Reunion + Fiery Temper + Murderous Compulsion = Draw 3 cards, Hit for 3, destroy tapped creature, 3 Triggers for Thermo-Alchemist (3 more dmg)

And more combos...

Thanks to Olivia's Dragoon you can cast Murderous Compulsion as an instant.

Panic Buttons:

Boiling Earth - Board Cleanner

Bone Splinters or Complete Disregard - Big Boy Cleaner

Touch of the Void - Finisher & Removal

Shamble Back - Lifegain & Blocker

Ruinous Gremlin - Artifact cleaner


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Uncommons

36 - 15 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.90
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Pauper & Budget
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