Sultai Rock. Was pretty bummed that abrupt decay was leaving standard, but I think Sultai charm will fill its spot nicely. The idea of the deck is to just remove all and any threats with removal and beat face with creatures. I think the manabase might be a bit wonky, so through testing I'll iron that out.
Creatures :
Sylvan Caryatid - Ramp / Blocker for aggro. But do I really need ramp in this deck? Might be better for just a solid 1 drop like Ruthless Ripper?
Courser of Kruphix - Card advantage / lifegain. This is just going to be nutty with fetches if I ever get my hands on some.
Rakshasa Deathdealer - I really like this guy and can't wait to try him out. A 2/2 on turn 2 that can swing for 4 on turn 3? Also, CAT DEMON?! Yes, please.
Polukranos, World Eater - You play green? You're playing poly k.
Reaper of the Wilds - My other choice for a 4 drop that replaces Desecration Demon.
Instants / Sorceries :
Thoughtseize - Hand disruption / tilt enabler.
Despise - More hand disruption, can potentially get a creature I may not have an answer for before they play it.
Sultai Charm - Probably my favorite charm. It actually has 4 abilities and that just seems broken.
Murderous Cut - Just extra removal. There will be a fair amount of spells in my graveyard so this will probably cast for 1 most of the time.
Hero's Downfall - Just solid removal that tags most creatures and walkers.
Negate - I've got so much disruption / creature hate I don't really need dissolve. Mostly stopping late / mid game bombs like End Hostilities and things that might give me a hard time.
Villainous Wealth - This just seems funny. Late game bomb that can potentially take a bunch of stuff from them and play it for free after I've taken / killed everything they've tried to play? Yes.
Sideboard :
No clear idea what I need in here yet. Just threw in some stuff that has worked well in the past in these colors.