Do you have a budget? I can make better suggestions if I know your budget and how competitive you want to be.
December 31, 2013 5:45 a.m.
Red white is not usually a color I see token decks made from, usually I see green white. (See Trostani, Token Master for an idea of how a competitive budget version of the theme works.) It is an interesting idea and if you want to use red as your secondary color you probably want to add in the stuff that makes hordes of goblin tokens like Krenko, Mob Boss , Chancellor of the Forge , Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Goblin Offensive . You also have creatures which are a bit weak in the format unless you specifically build for them that you could use as replacement targets like Attended Knight , Hero of Oxid Ridge , Guild Feud , Raise the Alarm , Goblin Wardriver , Kessig Malcontents and Precinct Captain .
December 31, 2013 2:11 p.m.
odm_posipete says... #4
ChiefBell Thanks for the helpful links! Selesnya would likely be the best for token floods, but the deck idea started with Boros and the token idea came after.I have no budget per se, I am just looking to make a list I like and slowly acquire cards over time, so any cards suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
andydw I thought about the goblin token route, but then it felt more like a mono red deck instead. I am mostly looking at a Boros deck with a Soldier tribal sub-theme that has a lot of creature wide buffs. But perhaps many of the cards like Goblin Wardriver and the like aren't quite fitting based on curve and token generation.
January 1, 2014 3:23 a.m.
odm_posipete says... #5
In essence I am trying to make an EDH deck that I enjoy playing that fits the flavor of Boros. I am more designing to fit in a casual environment with some competitiveness. I am mainly steering away from the ruthless, fierce competitive EDH "meta" (if there is such a thing).
January 1, 2014 3:57 a.m.
Skullclamp + 1/1 tokens is great card draw. Use this in conjunction with Kjeldoran Outpost , Militia's Pride , Sacred Mesa .
Sword of Fire and Ice , for more card draw.
You could go for some anthem effects like Glorious Anthem , however they will screw up the whole Skullclamp , card draw thing.
ChiefBell says... #1
wouldn't Selesnya be the best choice for tokens because of Rhys the Redeemed etc?
Regardless have you read any of Epochalyptik's articles about EDH deckbuilding?
Building an EDH deck
EDH staples and power cards
So the goal of the deck is tokens and buffs?
December 31, 2013 5:45 a.m.