4 Colour Things

Standard* bwubbq


SoggyGecko says... #1

I got to say that Dig Through Time is better than Treasure Cruise, especially in standard. The deck looks good, but Narset, Enlightened Master doesn't have extreme cards to use. Worst Fears and Temporal Trespass would be fun additions, but I don't know how well those would work. Soulfire Grand Master would be a cool card, especially with all of the burn in the deck. The deck seems to be really fun besides that. What are your bad matchups with the deck?

January 18, 2015 11:11 a.m.

bwubbq says... #2

The deck that this is based off is

Narset's Palm in your Face Playtest

Standard* bwubbq


My bad matchups for that deck was w/x heroic, r/x heroic which to me are the aggro decks in my meta. The midrange decks like abzan rhinos was ok, whipdisi decks were a very bad matchup and oddly a 4 colour control variant playing Courser of Kruphix

January 18, 2015 7:33 p.m.

bewarekraken says... #3

+1 just for trying this out. I've thought how nice it would be to splash for black once and a while in my Jeskai deck, Siege of Monks. I think it's a little to inconsistent for me though. You could probably ease your mana-fixing a little better if you ran 4 Urborgs. 12 taplands is a little much with four colors I think, granted, you do have 25 lands..

I don't know how updated this is, but you gotta really think about this. You are trying so hard to splash for black, yet in your mainboard you're only running 2 different cards for 5 total that splash for black. If you want to really commit to the splash, you should think about going "Jeskai Whip" or at least running those Utter Ends.

Final suggestions:Utter End switch with Banishing Light, Replace Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury with Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Replace Radiant Fountain and Temple of Deceit with 2x Whip of Erebos, 3 more Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

February 11, 2015 12:08 a.m.

bwubbq says... #4

thanks for the +1.
i'm actually not sure how whip helps in my deck and what it'll do for it, you you explain how mechanically it'll work out better?

As stated in my description, i'm still testing Banishing Light as it does cost 1 less to cast but at sorcery speed and i do see the benefits for running Utter End mainboard.
I do like Tasigur, the Golden Fang but i don't see him as a mainboard choice as many of the testers that i test with say that he is a 5/4 but largely comes out unprotected. At least with Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury it comes in with haste, which forces either a counter or a removal instantly otherwise its not removable at all.I've been told my Radiant Fountain can cause problems, as well as the number of tap lands i have, i plan on using Mana Confluences but that is still unsure about that coz going off the colour pie, i seem to be in ok ranges for all colours. i'm not keen on running multiple Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth as if i draw multiple, then its really just a dead card. where it could be a scry land or a painland or a triland

February 11, 2015 12:29 a.m.

bewarekraken says... #5

After taking a second glance at your creatures, whip won't help you tremendously.. it's more for ETB ability creatures, but it still wouldn't be bad. It's better for token engine creatures like Monastery Mentor, Goblin Rabblemaster, and Hornet Queen. However, if somehow your Narset is in your graveyard, boom she's back, with haste. There's your (hopefully) four burn spells.

In the end, Kalaghan is just a 5/5 flier for 5, unless you have a bunch of dragons. Obviously we are all keeping a close eye on these guys for the next expansion set, but for now, they kind of stink outside of limited. Tasigur is a 4/5 that you probably paid 2 or 3 mana for with an INSANE ability. You pay for him with all the cards you don't really care to see back in your hand and give your opponent a difficult choice. Notice there is no tap symbol in the ability. This means summoning sickness doesn't matter. He has the potential to be a 4/5 creature that you pay 1 mana for and then toss bombs at the opponent for 4 mana a turn while he hides behind Narset or Monks Who Ride Bugs. At the very least you paid 5 mana for a 4/5 that tossed one of said bombs. If you are lucky enough to have Soulfire on the board at the time, one of those bombs might as well have said "You now have your very own Siege Rhino without having to splash for a 5th color." Seriously, he's the best black card in the set and if you aren't splashing for him I don't understand why you're splashing in standard.

I'd atleast run 2 Urborgs just to double your chances of drawing one. A dead card is still a card in the end when your opponent is wondering what you have.

February 11, 2015 12:57 a.m.

bwubbq says... #6

fair enough, i see your point, combos strongly with my deck.Thanks for the input, Any other perhaps sideboard considerations i should take?

February 11, 2015 1:41 a.m.

bewarekraken says... #7

Valorous Stance is amazing.Gods Willing is great protection if you feel you need that after playing it a bunch.Some kind of Artifact hate could help.

If it was me, I'd take out Banishing Light all together because there is already a lot of disenchant at least in my meta. I'd remove 1 Elspeth. Erebos is questionable. In those 4 slots I'd put in 2 Valorous Stance and probably some creature removal like Reprisal or Murderous Cut. I also like Revoke Existence in place of Erase. Most of the standard artifice hate costs 2 anyways (like Shatter or Solemn Offering), so having the option with Revoke is nice. Flamespeaker's Will is a good option too but is definitely slower removal and doesn't replace Erase.

February 11, 2015 1:58 a.m.

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