Mono-Black Pox

Legacy* ravana


APPLE01DOJ says... #1

Love me some pox too. Pox Smallpox Death Cloud!

November 18, 2014 11:29 a.m.

Saljen says... #2

4x Liliana of the Veil would add a lot of power.They're pricey, but really really good. Pox is one of my favorite cards in Magic as well, though I think that Smallpox is more powerful and manageable. 3-4x Ensnaring Bridge is also really powerful, it can completely shut down creature based aggression. Raven's Crime to let you discard your extra lands and force an opponent to discard, which you should be running 24-25 lands as well, especially if you decide to stick with 4x Pox AND 4x Smallpox. You can check out my version of 8-rack discard if you like: Ultimate 8-Rack..

November 22, 2014 4:11 p.m.

ravana says... #3

Hey Saljen,

Thanks for the suggestions! I agree, Liliana of the Veil is great in this deck; however, I'm a dumb purist and am against running her (see my description).

Since I do run Bloodghast, maindecking Ensnaring Bridge might not be the best option. However, I will consider upping the number in my sideboard to 3.

I never liked Raven's Crime, I prefer permanent sources of discard such as Bottomless Pit or Liliana of the Veil's +1. And I've found 22 lands + Dark Ritual to be sufficient. Even though I do run Pox and Smallpox, I also try to run an efficient set of cards that will never require more than three lands out at a given time; especially since all my lands tap for .

Thanks again for the suggestions and +1. Great list yourself.

November 22, 2014 4:30 p.m.

Pox is always a great concept. Personally use it with undying creatures and Quest for the Gravelord. I believe a 5/5 would help speed up this deck, maybe Shrieking Affliction as well.

November 24, 2014 2:37 a.m.

chicagobearz says... #5

Brutal deck. +1 Liliana of the Veilis so good though.

November 26, 2014 2:02 a.m.

komoriblues says... #6

Love the theme, it's fun to look at!

January 5, 2015 12:53 a.m.

ravana says... #7

Hey, komoriblues, thanks! For Breeding Pit tokens I use all of the different Thrulls from Fallen Empires. It gives a cheap way to appreciate early Magic artist for cheap.

saturn999, I do. I reckon with a mighty 6 win-cons, the chances of decking myself could actually happen. Better the opponent than me. As detailed here, the 61st card really doesn't make a difference to draw probabilities.

January 5, 2015 1:14 a.m.

cmacfaddin says... #8

i'm not sure that Engineered Plague makes much sense in here

January 8, 2015 11:31 a.m.

Erich_Zann says... #9

May I ask how well your deck has been doing without Liliana of the Veil in it? I just sold my playset recently and I'm using Necrogen Mists as a replacement. I like your build a lot, but I'm not sure how I feel about Dust Bowl, 3x Pox, and 2x Nether Spirit. I'd remove 1 Nether Spirit and try adding in a Tombstalker. He may interfere with Nether Spirit's effect if he dies while he's in the game, but having control of the board and playing him gives you opponent a clock he/she must fear. I'd also recommend replacing Dust Bowl with Ghost Quarter if you're looking for a cheap replacement for Wasteland. You could also use Tectonic Edge. I love Pox, however, it can be a double edge sword and I personally feel having more than 1 in a deck is too risky. Why not run more discard like Thoughtseize or Duress?

Just my two cents. I love pox decks and will always play mine. My friends and I recently decided to make a homebrew legacy format where our decks value can't exceed over $200, so, I'm not running Liliana of the Veil either. Anyway, +1 for the deck. I love it.

March 30, 2015 12:54 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

I love Nether Void in Pox. How has Trinisphere been working?

March 30, 2015 1:22 a.m.

ravana says... #11

@Hitoshura To begin with, great list yourself! I imagine you have quite alot of success with it.

I had a playset of Liliana of the Veil two years ago, but I never found myself enjoying Magic with her in the deck. I feel Planeswalkers are WotC marketing gimmic and dampen immersion in the fantasy aspects of Magic. Moreover, I find her art untasteful.

I rarely play the game anymore so I keep this deck primarily for my pleasure. I love all things mono-black and so just wanted a list with all my favorite staples: Pox, Hymn, Sinkhole, Beta Dark Rituals, etc. If only I had funds for Nether Void and The Abyss!

As for Dust Bowl, I dig it! Pox has a big issue with topdecking. I was attracted to the idea of turning top-decked Swamps into Rain of Tears and in practice this actually does happen frequently. I do lack the early LD which Wasteland provides, but I think Dust Bowl's reusability makes up for it's slowness; afterall, we are playing a relatively slow deck.

Lastly, I might consider Bottomless Pit over Necrogen Mists. I used the former in my Rack Pox list and it was super brutal!

April 4, 2015 12:20 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

Raven's Crime or Syphon Life could be good for land top decks. (I don't play legacy so take my suggestions lightly)

April 4, 2015 1:53 p.m.

Erich_Zann says... #13

@ravana Respect on your decision on running Liliana of the Veil. I get it. WotC promised that they would never make the Planeswalkers playable, but cash rules everything around me. I'd run Necrogen Mists over Bottomless Pit now that I have done some play testing. Bottomless Pit can end up biting you in the ass from time to time since it's discard at random. The deck will lose synergy. I do need to get my playset of Liliana of the Veil back though. Let's just hope WotC decides to reprint it in MM2015. crosses fingers

April 4, 2015 5:53 p.m.

Erich_Zann says... #14

Also, thank you for the compliments on my deck! I spent too much money on it. T_T

April 4, 2015 5:53 p.m.

ravana says... #15

@Hitoshura Sorry to dash your hopes, but MM2015 is covering Alara to Zendikar. And since M15: Origins has those double-faced planeswalkers, I'm not sure when they'll be a Liliana reprint. That means Liliana is still going to be worth some dolla' dolla' bills, ya'll.

Regardless, when it does come, I'm hoping we'd get new art!

April 5, 2015 1 a.m.

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