

Ok, this is my favorite archetype, Rakdos Control. Usually, when I play in standard, I always search for a control deck, and my favorite color combination is Rakdos, so anytime I have a chance of making a Rakdos Control, I try it.

This deck survived the rotation from Khans, with only two loss (2x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker ), actually, I don't think it was a loss, because I could find better things for the deck in this meta ( Skin Invasion   and To the Slaughter), and change the main deck removals - adding Ultimate Price.

So lets start with the main idea of deck: Destroy everything and anyone. This deck base idea is to remove every treat that we have in this meta.

Grasp of Darkness - the main removal of the deck. It is a BB: removes nearly everything in standard. Don't believe it? check it, most of the creatures have thoughness less than 4... and if they don't die for Grasp, we kill them with the other cards, so lets check them out;

Ultimate Price - with Kans rotation the big colored treats are out. I know, we still have the devoid cards, but there are less of then, than we had Anafenza and Rhinos in the past, so Ultimate price is coming to the main deck, with 2 copies so we have something like 6 fast removes (Grasp and Price)

Kolaghan's Command - At first this deck was a budget one, but I got my hands on this two cards at the very beginning of Dragons release, so i got them very cheap, and now I still have them (if you have more of them, you should try to fit more, because they are really strong, with all the flexibility). Usually, you will use only the 2 damage + discard a card, but against another heavy control you should think about using the return ability so you can reuse cards like Goblin Dark-Dwellers. Always remember that this thing kills thopters and Hangarbacks, so don't forget that too.

Flaying Tendrils and Languish - Both here a for wipe purposes. At the last rotation Languish was more for big creatures (decks like BR Dragons), lately it goes great against CoCo decks, even when they use it at our end phase. At the other way, Flaying tendrils is faster, and better against more aggro decks, and his exile ability is perfect for death triggers, so I usually side in some of them if the opponent have things like Hangarback Walker, Zulaport Cutthroat, and things that return from the graveyard. As far as i see, in this meta you can still remove most fast decks with Flaying (Mono White/WG/UW Humans, possible Zombies/Vampires)

Read the Bones - For draw purposes. I know, they hurt against some matchup, but we don't have any other good option, but it is worth. (Normally I take one or two out in game 2/3)

Ruinous Path - It is here for harder targets, anything that evades Ultimate Price or Grasp of Darkness, as well as planeswalkers.

Foul-Tongue Invocation - For indestructible, hexproof and even harder to kill creatures, good against aggro too, with the 4 life!

To the Slaughter - Same as Foul-tongue, but with no possible extra life, but with the option to take Planeswalkers out (I don't really consider the delirium trigger in this decks, but... who know?)

Duress and Transgress the Mind - As black/red deck, we can't deal with sorcery, instants and enchantments, so we have to deal with them before they hit the field. And give us some knowledge about the opponent too.

-- The Win Cons --

Thunderbreak Regent - Here for the good body, good cost, and good effect, being a Dragon helps too.

Goblin Dark-Dwellers - The star, my bread and butter, my pride and joy. This cute guy here can kill the enemy, block treats, remove treats with the "flashback", give us some draw (Read the Bones) or any other thing we want. Note: Goblin Dark-Dwellers + Kolaghan's Command for BEST COMBO

Dragonlord Kolaghan - The Goddess, the ultimate win con, She punishes, and punishes hard. The opponent must remove her, or hold his creature spells, because at this time you should have removed most of his creatures. So, she hits... and she hits hard

Side Cards

My matchups and testing are updated below, as I find time for it :P:

Crumble to Dust - I put them in, when I am versus a tricolor deck, so i can screw some of his mana base. Besides, I see this as a ~ remove Westvale Abbey   ~, and it is more than good for that. It does PRETTY WELL AGAINST RAMP matchups!

Fiery Impulse - for aggro/faster decks, i usually side this all in, and take out the sorcery speed removals

Flaying Tendrils - for decks that build field fast or decks that use death triggers.

Ruinous Path - for decks that have too much Planeswalkers and bigger creatures

Transgress the Mind - Perfect against Company decks, remove creatures, or better, remove Company!. Against ramp decks we can exile some ramp or the win cons!

To the Slaughter - Removes hard to kill creatures, and can deal with some Planeswalkers too.


Updates Add

Last Friday was a bit different from the usual fnm, all players there were playing for a place in the qualifiers for a championship here in Brasil, so came a lot of people to the store. As I have done well the others fnms, I was already in first place in this qualifier, anyway, I wanted to play for the booster, so I played.

For the ones who doesn't want to read the full review, he is a TL:DR -> I did well all the 3 rounds, and in the finals I went against a Mono Red Aggro, and lost because, mostly of mana screwed.

Round 1: BR Control 2 x 0 BR Vampires

Game 1 he did well, droping an vampire every turn, but I managed to kill every single drop again... at turn 4, I did a Foul-Tongue Invocation revealing a Dragonlord Kolaghan, going for 20 life, then again... at turn 5 i dropped a Goblin Dark-Dwellers and did the same Foul-Tongue Invocation, just for the life gain, and then he quit. Game 2 he was a bit faster, using his enchantment that gives vampires a +1/+1 counter, but I won with 10 life left.

Side in/out

+1x Flaying Tendrils

+3x Fiery Impulse

+1x Skin Invasion  Flip

+1x Foul-Tongue Invocation

-1x To the Slaughter

-2x Read the Bones

-1x Ob Nixilis Reignited

-1x Transgress the Mind

-1x Ruinous Path

Round 2: BR Control 2 x 0 UW Humans

Not much for trouble in neither of the two games. In game 2, both of us mana flooded at the late game, but I won anyway. I managed to clean the board anytime he had 4/3 creatures for the Westvale Abbey  Flip

Same side as the one against the BR Vampires

Round 3: BR Control 2 x 1 Naya Dragons

Game 1 I lost, by a huge mistake: I had a Goblin Dark-Dwellers and Thunderbreak Regent on the field, while he had Thunderbreak Regent too... I used an Transgress the Mind to reveal 2x Draconic Roar and a Dragonlord Dromoka that I removed, I had 10 life while he had 12... I had a Dragonlord Dromoka and a Chandra, Flamecaller on my hand, and I could cast any of them... As i didn't count the damage and my life, I casted Chandra with the hope I could win easily the other round, but... he killed my Thunderbreak (with both draconic roar, getting 6 damage, while doing 6 damage to me), letting me open for the 4 damage of his Thunderbreak, my life went to 0 while his went to 6. Game 2 and 3, I managed to remove everything from his hand with Transgress the Mind and Crumble to Dust his mana base.

Side in/out

+2x Transgress the Mind

+2x Crumble to Dust

+1x Ruinous Path

-2x Read the Bones

-1x Flaying Tendrils

-1x Kolaghan's Command

-1x Ultimate Price

Game 3 I add +1x Crumble to Dust and took out the last Ultimate Price

Round 4: BR Control 0 x 2 Mono Red Aggro

Game 1, I didn't lost a single land drop, and fought against all those creatures... wiped the board with languish... but at the fifth land drop... I couldn't hit the second Mountain, staying with 4 swamps and 1 mountain in the battlefield and 2x Goblin Dark-Dwellers on my hand... I lost

Game 2, I had the perfect hand, burns and destroys for every single drop until an Goblin Dark-Dwellers on turn 5, but with only 2 lands (a dual and a swamp, perfect combination in my opinion). I managed to survive and, again, didn't lost the land drop until the fifth turn, no problem... I still had some removal... As i was low on health, i then managed to draw the SOI Lands when I needed to drop my Goblin, no problem as I wasn't in danger, the problem came the next turn... where I didn't draw any destroy or burn, neither a creature... just a land, the Goblin Dark-Dwellers wasn't enough to clean his field, with 3 creatures.

Side in/out, the same against the UW humans and BR Vampires

~As for the conclusion: Transgress the Mind is beatiful, and one more Crumble to Dust was a good addition. Skin Invasion  Flip went good at the side, he appeared and did well in the games against the aggros. For the rest, I think the deck need a mana fix... I just don't know how (maybe a new draw mechanic?) and any good blocker for turn 1/2/3 or mostly 4... I am thinking about Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, I just don't have the money for him, and I am not willing to pay for him too, but he would fit well... Maybe 2x of him in the main deck, (taking a Thunderbreak Regent out, and another thing, maybe a Read the Bones)

Ah! And as It was debated in the comments, I add the SOI Dual Land, and it was the second time that it screwed my game, coming late in the game, making me miss the drop... so... out with Forebonding Ruins


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 3 Rares

10 - 8 Uncommons

7 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited
Folders Standard, Dragon
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