

Creature (3)

Still continuing to work on my newest variant of my legacy deck.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor: When I first started considering Legacy, the one card I wanted to use was Jace. When I first started MTG Jace was that un-attainable card, and now years later I came to own one. When EM came out I managed to pull a second copy, and that was when I decided to delve into the format. I wanted to make use of him, but didn't want to play Shardless or Miracles, neither are really my style, so I decided to try innovating something new. I loved the idea behind Legacy Lands, so I decided what I would try making a UG varient of the build making use of the consistent card draw and Brainstorm effects to set up your dredges and allow more consistent dredging in response to removal. Jace is great for maneuvering control of the game state while you work on digging for win conditions or setting up Waste-locks.

Tireless Tracker: Filled a niche role I was having a hard time placing. I really like the idea of Tracker in a lands build, you can assume she'll be dealt with but as long as you can net a few clue tokens before she bites it, you still come out with advantage. In addition, if she happens to eat a Swords to Plowshares it's one less Swords that can be dropped on your Dark Depths token.

Molten Vortex: Originally I was attempting to run the typical Punishing Fire / Grove of the Burnwillows combo, but honestly I like Vortex more. So long as you can set up a few red sources and have mana to recur your Life from the Loam you can secure control of the board state fairly quickly without worrying about your Punishing Fire's getting hit by Force of Will at an inopportune time. Could it eat an Abrupt Decay? Sure it could. But I think the rewards outweigh the risks on this particular choice, I've had some fair success with it so far.

Daze: Lands having access to counterspells is a pretty solid bonus in the experiences I've had. Turn one plays like Exploration and Molten Vortex are much safer, which is important considering how important both cards are. The return of a land for the alternate cost matters very little when you have extra land drops, and serves not only as protection but also as an additional resource to feed either vortex or Tireless Tracker. If you have them locked down under Ghost Quarter and Wasteland, the ability to pay the single mana is much more difficult.

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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 4 Rares

9 - 10 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.72
Tokens Clue, Marit Lage
Folders Legacy, Legacy: Competitive
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