Some choices explained that people might question:
Dawn of hope: even thought on the early game there might not be too much life gain, late game its a constant token creator with devine visitation, from turn 4 - 5 it can start drawing cards with teysa. However one of the cards I am still wondering about.
Seraph of the scales: Great on the offense , defense, volitile and afterlife 2 so it can become a 6/5 for four mana with flying. Pretty good
Tithe taker: To make sure the game slows down against the big decks like gruul who want to play some big creatures, or even decks like elves to stop a turn 3 big creature.
Detection tower: There are some annoying creatures with hexproof. I kept this very low but i dont want to 1 for 2 myself if i have to use my wrath for 1 creature to get rid of it. This would work better so i can target it with mortify.
Ajani's welcome and Fountain. So fountain and ajani purely on my speculation on the aggresive decks, burn(12 bolt) and other izzet aggro decks. This slows the game down so midrange can propser.
Duress: never bad against combo or mirror matches
Binding: So this card is never really bad in creature based decks or mirror matchup. However this card is mainly for the persistent petitioners deck. This breaks the whole deck down if they dont react or draw anything to react.
Ethereal absolution: Selesnya tokens or mirror
Advice is welcome