I love the Scry mechanic of the Theros block so I decided to build a deck based around it. Initially looking at a lot of the Scry decks here on TappedOut I planned on an Izzet color scheme, but eventually decided to add white to be able to add a few cards.
The Cards:
Flamespeaker Adept
is one of the primary cards this deck is built around. With so many cheap scry triggers he can have some pretty big turns.
Battlewise Hoplite
is a good target for my buffs as they will buff him, give him a +1/+1 counter, and if
Flamespeaker Adept
is on the battlefield it can activate his ability as well.
Thassa, God of the Sea is here for the ability to scry every turn. So far in testing I have struggled getting the devotion to make Thassa a creature, but that's ok since I can get the scry regardless.
Omenspeaker is here as a single use scry trigger, but also as an expendable blocker if needed.
Keranos, God of Storms works well with all the Scrying going on. Scry allows me to align what card is revealed with Keranos, God of Storms to decide if I want to draw an extra card or do extra damage..
Aqueous Form is here to both allow scry and to make something unblockable
for counter and scry
Gods Willing
for protection from a color of my choice and scry
Magma Jet for burn and scry
Titan's Strength for +3/+1 and scry
Jeskai Charm
for sheer versatility. Can be used to burn, give my creatures lifelink for a turn, or get rid of an enemy heavy hitter for a turn.
What I could really use now is constructive criticism and suggestions in particular the sideboard. Please try to keep in mind I would like to keep the Scry Theme of this deck as intact as possible.