
Casual birdman412


Whiskerbro says... #1

Hunted Phantasm is gonna be really hard to get in this deck. I'd suggest just using Hunted Horror .

May 1, 2014 4:37 p.m.

birdman412 says... #2

Thanks for the comment Whiskerbro! Do you think it will be that difficult even with the Forbidden Orchard s? I also like having him in conjunction with Creeping Tar Pit . 7 damage per turn is not bad, especially if they've already taken 5 (or more) with those goblins coming in.

May 1, 2014 5:09 p.m.

kenimal says... #3

Have you considered something like Norn's Annex or Crawlspace ? You're dumping a bunch of creatures on their side of the board, you might as have some way to prevent them from attacking if you can't remove them with echoing truth or ratchet bomb. Maybe with black you could try and run Bile Blight or No Mercy or Illness in the Ranks . Help keep those creatures you're giving them more in check. This is a deck idea I tossed around but never put together.

May 7, 2014 1:43 p.m.

birdman412 says... #4

Hmm, now those are some good suggestions kenimal! I think Norn's Annex and Crawlspace are a little slow, but they may be good. I really like Illness in the Ranks though, that is an excellent suggestion! The only downside is it kills the tokens I get with Genesis Chamber , which sometimes have an impact. Nevertheless, it's probably going to get in here at a 2 count or more, so thank you for that! Bile Blight is basically another Echoing Truth in regards to the tokens, so I may keep it as is since the truth is easier to cast.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

May 7, 2014 1:56 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #5

Nice! I like it.

Since you're doing casual here, Acorn Catapult might be kind of fun, especially when Illness in the Ranks and Blood Artist or Blood Seeker are down. It's surprisingly useful since you can also target creatures with it. It's a four drop, which is a little on the high side, but it might be worth playtesting to see how it feels. Against decks that rely on lots of creatures with 1 toughness (including mine that you commented on), it would actually be a nightmare. Damn squirrels.

Since your CMC is so low here, you might want to consider adding even more in the way of draw cards. I love me some Blood Scrivener . You'd be flying through this deck so fast with that and your Preordain & Brainstorm , your card advantage would be ridiculous. With all the 1-drops and draws you'll be getting, you could probably even justify going down to 19 or 20 lands, to be honest.

This looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the shoutout in your update. I'll be thinking about what else might work in here.

July 1, 2014 2:37 p.m.

birdman412 says... #6

Acorn Catapult looks awesome and hilarious. I will have to try that out! Thanks for checking this out and giving me some suggestions!

July 2, 2014 3:04 p.m.

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