This is a toy Red/Green aggro deck that I've been tossing around for a while.
I have to admit up front that I'm not a very experienced Green player. So if the green parts of the deck feel clumsy, that's why.
Burning-Tree Emissary
reminds me of one of my old favorites, Priest of Gix. A solid early beater that's free with rebate with the added bonus that it acts as an early game mana fixer.
Keldon Marauders is one of my favorite red creatures. I've long been a fan of creatures-as-burn. While they don't stick around for long, a total of 5 damage from 2 mana is tough to beat. The Flametongue Kavu are here for the same reason. I wanted a solid 4-drop that could burn blockers out of the way, but why go with a simple sorcery when I could deal 4 damage with an ETB and get a 4/2 body that sicks around?
Fanatic of Xenagos
just wrecks face and has one of my favorite features occasionally seen on red cards, a damned if you do, damned if you don't ultimatum.
Magma Jet
and Reckless Charge, in addition to upping the damage potential, help to prevent the deck from running out of steam too early by smoothing over draws with Scry and giving you plays when you're low on cards with flashback.
The birds can help to facilitate a turn 2 Keldon Marauders
Reckless Charge
or just work with Reckless Charge or a Bloodrushed Rubblehulk to get some evasive damage potential.
Kavu Titan
and Rubblehulk have great versatility because of their alternate costs. I'm not yet sold on Rubblehulk's effectiveness since I haven't had a chance to playtest the deck against an opponent and I'm not sure it actually gets enough lands out for it to be truly effective. If it's not, then I'll probably end up needing to find replacements for them as well as the Harrows and
Viridian Emissarys which exist primarily to feed the Rubblehulks. Bloodbraid Elves may make a good substitue. They'd certainly synergize excellently with the rest of the deck and help to smooth out the mana curve a bit.
Evolution Charm
is also a strong maybe. It can help feed RubbleHulk by fetching land in the early game, get back creatures (Most of which have ETBs or could be former un-kicked Kavu Titans) from the grave mid-game, or it could push through some evasive damage for the win)
The deck is really heavy on 2-drops and I'm not really sure about all the card numbers. It definitely needs some playtesting to get it fine-tuned, but I think it's a solid start to a really fun deck.