
"People who play super friends typically spend the entire game shuffling their decks looking for the right dual"

"At least it's not atraxa"

This was my first ever deck and it has frequently evolved since it's conception, but it's primary focus has been and will remain to be sticking as many planeswalkers as I can into this deck. While I could go planeswalkers/lands (which I have done in the past) it has more of a fair chance to at least be playable. This current iteration isn't meant to be as powerful as possible, it's main goal (is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody ack ack ack ack) is to play lands and planeswalkers on curve with the occasional mana rock. If all things go according to plan you can eventually just flood the board with walkers.

Current Commander: The Prismatic Bridge  

As I said this is my oldest deck so it has changed many many times. Originally I started with Progenitus as a newbie I thought "it has all of my colors" and that was the end of it, additionally I figured the deck was more about the walkers so I was never going to bother casting my commander. Next was Child of Alara which I honestly just didn't like people found it, threatening and would eat removal easily. I finally stuck with Sliver Hivelord which was a hefty indestructible chump blocker, but finally in 2017 The Ur-Dragon commander deck dropped and along with him was the great Ramos, Dragon Engine which ended up being everything I wanted and more. He was a beefy flier that could protect my walkers, he even let me cast them and honestly solved most of the problems this deck had which were fliers and mana issues. Honestly it still might be the best commander for the deck but I'm trying out something new.

Cut to today I found The Prismatic Bridge   which is basically like a budget cascade stick, the Planeswalkers it puts in can't be countered, it's a little more niche to remove than Ramos, Dragon Engine (which could eat both artifact and creature removal) and I feel has a less threatening board presence. It also serves the same function of Ramos of getting planeswalkers into play without even wasting mana. I think overall Ramos provides more of a threat and can actually help protect walkers but I still have a feeling The Bridge has a slight edge.

These are just all the cards in the deck that aren't planeswalkers. It's all pretty straight forward, ramp, protection, value

Mana rocks, fixers, and cost reduction:

Chromatic Lantern: Probably the best mana rock for any 5 color deck. With all of the colors in this it's very important to have mana fixing sorted out.

Sol Ring: It's sol ring

Oath of Nissa: One of the best support cards in any Superfriends deck, being able to not care about your mana is great. Impulse effect for PWs is a nice bonus.

Honor-Worn Shaku: HOLY SH... Shout out to my buddy RJ(aka RANDY aka Swunkle Dungus aka The Original Chungus) for suggesting it to me, turns every Walker into a mana rock it pair it with Oath of Nissa and it gets crazy. The only bad part about this card is I like to keep my walkers organized in straight lines because the board state can get ridiculous and having to tap the PWs gets annoying but this card is totally worth it.

Oath of Ajani: Mana reduction by one is actually pretty good especially since he's a two drop. t2 oath t3 4 drop t4 two 3 drops in a perfect world but over time it can accumulate value, plus having low cmc cards is always good in a deck with a curve like this. The counters do stuff sometimes.

As Foretold: A new card I'm currently testing, it basically does what my commander does except for cards I've already drawn. This deck is very mana intensive so being able to cheat a single walker in for free per turn is really nice.

Prismatic Omen: I've had this card in and out multiple times and it's finally back in, it has some niche interactions with some PWs, Nissa, Worldwaker for example. It's honestly up there on the cut list ATM, there's a decent amount of mana fixing already and provides no benefit past that, but it's a two drop so I'll figure it out. I always want more room for walkers lol.

Smothering Tithe: I can't think of a single white deck I wouldn't put this in. If you get it on curve no one is going to pay for it for a very long time, and EDH being the way it is you're guaranteed 3 free mana per turn if not much much much more because who isn't trying to draw as many cards as possible in EDH.

Chromatic Orrery: Another new card that I'm honestly kind of iffy on. It's mana fixing yes but it comes down so late, technically only costs two mana and basically says "draw 5 cards." The way this curve works out you usually only have enough mana for one walker on turn 6/7 so you would technically get this cast for free. I again have to test this out because around when I'm able to cast this I already have decent mana fixing and a million ways to draw cards.

Thran Temporal Gateway: Let's you cheat costs, ignore mana fixing, and play walkers at instant speed (for protection.) Another card I'm iffy about but I think this one is keepable.


Originally I removed all of this because it isn't terribly helpful but in this version that has a lot more enchantments than normal I think this one card is worth adding.

Sphere of Safety: Even by itself making people pay one is a huge deterrent. There isn't a ton of protection for Planeswalkers (I can't for the life of me understand why people keep adding Ghostly Prison and Propaganda, I mean I know why but I'm not gunna say because I'm not rude lmfao.) There's a decent amount of low CMC enchantments in here so I figured why not.

Extra loyalty

Doubling Season: There is no deck without this card. Wins the game with a ton of walkers and the additional of double tokens is nice as well.

The Chain Veil: Infamous for superfriends and feared by most, I think it's a tad over-appreciated but that's probably because I don't get to use it as it's always destroyed and is more like a pay 4 mana bait a counter/removal spell. I mean it is one of my win cons don't get me wrong but unless I'm in the position to win I'd rather play more walkers than activate them more. Still really good though.

Oath of Teferi: So so so so so much better than The Chain Veil but I mean I guess that's obvious, it does the same thing. Can't make an infinite combo though, still free a additional activation is nuts.

Oath of Gideon: This is another card I've constantly removed. I don't find the additional loyalty very relevant, if anything it makes people fear the Planeswalkers more and tends to invite more attention than it should. Two chump blockers aren't bad though and it fills the 3cmc slot.

Inexorable Tide: Pretty much speaks for itself, proliferate good. Huge threat as a countered spell still triggers it. Honestly though it will probably make people kill the walkers more and just leave it on the board.

Brokers Ascendancy: Another new card, I think it's gunna be strong, may do the same as the past three cards and seem more threatening than it is. But 3 CMC so meh.

Generic good stuff:

Deploy the Gatewatch: Always fun to roll the dice, with such a dense amount of walkers you're almost guaranteed to hit two (I've had 60 PWs before and hit zero but that's beside the point.)

Eerie Ultimatum: Planeswalker wind up in the grave more often than not bring them all back at once. This also hits basically every other card in the deck.

Primevals' Glorious Rebirth: Redundancy. You need a walker out for this one to work and only brings back legendary permanents (Which is like 80% of the deck) so it's a tad weaker but still insanely strong.

Triumphant Reckoning: Brings back literally everything besides lands.

Basically this is a ranking system I've created specifically for planeswalker decks, the toal ranking a card can get is 24.

Reward points:

1 ult with doubling season

1 lives after doubling season ult

2 protects itself

1 mana producing

1 impactful ult

2 card draw

1 looting

1 single target removal

3 wins the game/combo piece

2 all abilities are useful

1 two abilities are useful

1 one ability is useful

2 mass removal

2 tutor

1 uptick is useful

Example: Ajani Unyielding would be worth 10 points. He can kill a creature for one point, all 3 of his abilities are useful giving 4 points, one of which is his uptick again is another point, he removes a creature which technically can protect himself rewarding 2 point, finally he has amazing card advantage which is two points.

*Cards I don't think got a terribly fair rating.








18: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon



15: Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God, Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Vraska the Unseen*

14: Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Ral Zarek, Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Tezzeret, Artifice Master

13: Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh

12: Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Calix, Destiny's Hand, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury, Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Narset Transcendent, Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools, Tezzeret the Seeker

11: Garruk Wildspeaker, Kasmina, Enigma Sage, Lord Windgrace, Nahiri, the Harbinger

10: Ajani Unyielding, Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor, Saheeli Rai, Samut, the Tested

9: Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast

8: Nissa, Worldwaker, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer, Kaya the Inexorable

7: Dack Fayden, Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, The Royal Scions, Venser, the Sojourner*, Xenagos, the Reveler

6: Gideon, Ally of Zendikar


4: Wrenn and Six*




Here's some of the fun board states I've encountered playing this deck

Oath of Nissa + Flicker: Just a cute little interaction.

Huatli, Radiant Champion + Elspeth, Sun's Champion + Xenagos, the Reveler: This was a fun one to have happen, I also had Oath of Nissa and Oath of Teferi out but it works without those as well. I had like 9 tokens to begin with +1 Huatli then ulted, +1 elspeth twice drew 6 cards went to 15 soldiers +1 xenagos twice went to 30 mana cast everything I drew with Huatli, was a very fun game.

Doubling Season + Samut, the Tested: This is one of my wincons which I explained earlier but the run down is ult samut, get rowan and aminatou, ult rowan, -1 aminatou blink samut get 4 walkers and just go to value town

Teferi, Temporal Archmage emblem + Aminatou, the Fateshifter + Oath of Teferi + 1 other walker: Now I've nevr had this one happen nor do I know if it would work but if you had teferi emblem in each persons upkeep you can minus Aminatou targeting Oath of Teferi, Oath comes back and you target aminatou with that on the stack you -1 aminatou again on Oath and when it comes back you can target a different walker, hiding both of them for the turn I guess if the second walker is Venser, the Sojourner you can hide more stuff? like 6 things? Seems janky... just my style


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