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Cruel Teachings




This is a modern Grixis teachings deck with win-cons in the form of Cruel Ultimatum, the creatures and the burn spells.

This works as a basic control deck, attempting to control your way to resolving a Cruel Ultimatum, and using snapcaster to spam them onto the stack.

The control package is as follows:


Cryptic Command: It does almost everything. It stops threats from hitting the battlefield, stopping lethal attacks and drawing you a card

Mana Leak: it stops early game threats, buying you another turn to make your way to resolving a Cruel Ultimatum

Remand: a good early tempo play that delays the opponent and digs you deeper into the deck.

Spell Snare: when you're on the play, this is an amazing tempo play. It stops your opponent from resolving a turn two play.

Creature removal/Burn:

Dismember: If I need it to, this removes most of the cards that threaten me. Even better, I can do this at 1 mana (see Path to Exile)

Lightning Bolt: hits a creature or an opponent

Electrolyze: its like Lightning Bolt except it is possible to trade for two cards while drawing you one

Damnation: the quintessential (expensive) black board wipe

Consume the Meek: instant speed sweeper that can be tutored up with Mystical Teachings

Threat Package:

Batterskull: Something to drop after a board wipe. Helps me gain life after a beating from aggro or burn.

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir: A good beater that prevents surprises from the opponent

Vendilion Clique: It disrupts them or filters my hand. Also its a good beater.

Snapcaster Mage: Recurs spells and puts a clock on the board.

Cruel Ultimatum: I was actually against this until I saw the paul cheon article and his cruel control deck. I decided that this is probably the best bomb I have in these colors. It also has a picture of nicol bolas pimp-slapping someone. Can't resist that.

Also I have two copies of Mystical Teachings because it literally tutors up half of the deck. Also if Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir is on the battlefield, It could tutor up any creature (If I choose to run another creature)


Anger of the Gods: An extra sweeper for more aggressive decks.

Counterflux: Answers storm, and combo decks. Its also an added counterspell against other control decks.

Devour Flesh: Deals with Hexproof Aura decks.

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker: An alternative Win-Con though I'm thinking about turning it into a Keranos, God of Storms

Rakdos Charm: Hits artifacts, destroys graveyard based combos and is great against splinter twin.

Spellskite: Steals enchantments from G/W hexproof Auras, Its an effective counter for burn decks as long as you're not paying the life.

Thoughtseize: Disrupts the hand, and is this decks way of dealing with enchantments and other threats we cant handle. Though, I am considering turning it into Surgical Extraction because it's instant speed, I don't have to pay the mana if I need it, and it destroys control and graveyard combos.

Thoughts, Comments Advice? Feel free to comment. I don't have too much modern experience, so most criticism is constructive.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 5 Mythic Rares

34 - 6 Rares

16 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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