Modern Burn

Modern JakeOswoll


asdf9660asdf says... #1

no vexing devil?

August 19, 2013 9:31 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #2

I added an aside on Vexing Devil. You can run him, but I do not like him that much.

August 20, 2013 11:32 a.m.

jackledaman says... #3

I play a lot of burn and this list looks really similar to mine. My major piece of advice is to run Stormblood Berserker over Skullcrack maindeck, as I do not encounter many decks that main lifegain.

September 13, 2013 5:37 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #4

I do love Stormblood Berserker , but you really need Skullcrack in this kind of deck. If you don't have it, you kind of risk just losing to Kitchen Finks , which is one of the only cards that you're scared of in Game 1. It is one of the first cards to get boarded out most of the time, but lifegain is literally your worst enemy. We actually used to run Flames of the Blood Hand even though it was bad, because we needed that effect.

September 13, 2013 7:19 p.m.

jackledaman says... #5

I know I played burn then too, but i always found it had a better place in my sideboard, as most people board in lifegain. However I respect your opinion.

September 13, 2013 10:46 p.m.

infinitemana says... #6

In your description you say that torpor orb only goes in against Sisters and Splinter twin. If I were you I'd run it against Pod as well. Also, have you considered Thunderous Wrath as a one-of or two-of?

September 22, 2013 12:18 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #7

I don't like Torpor Orb against Pod decks because:1) Even if they can't combo off, they can still just beat you down. When a Twin deck tries to beat you down, it is for 1 or 2 damage a turn. When a Pod deck does it, they can kill you very quickly.2) There is nothing else I really want to side out to make room for it. I want Rakdos Charm and Volcanic Fallout here, and I still need to test Rain of Gore , so that goes in too. I think that putting in Torpor Orb at this point would dilute the deck too much.

I hate Thunderous Wrath . I am going to recommend that you never put it into any Burn deck under any circumstances.

September 23, 2013 8:59 p.m.

hydraliskking says... #8

i would ask about Searing Spear or Guttersnipe

October 2, 2013 4:59 a.m.

JakeOswoll says... #9

  • Searing Spear is 3 damage for 2 mana. The standard for this deck is 3 damage for 1 mana, and all the 2 mana spells have some other effects, like Skullcrack , Searing Blaze and Lightning Helix . Also, Incinerate is just better.

  • Guttersnipe costs a bit too much to be useful. It is also very delicate and dies to almost everything. You really want to play as few creatures as possible because you want guaranteed damage from your cards.

October 2, 2013 6:21 p.m.

Guttersnipe is killed by a stiff breeze, and decks like this run out of cards before they hit three mana. It's a neat card, but not very good. This deck is quite good, and has good matchups against many popular decks. I have found Anger of the Gods to be useful depending on the meta you are playing in.

October 18, 2013 10:37 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #11

Anger of the Gods seems like it is mostly for Pod decks. It is a good card, but I think Volcanic Fallout and Flamebreak are better in general because they deal damage to players. Some very strange things would have to happen for me to consider it, but it could still be a good option.

October 19, 2013 8:27 p.m.

infinitemana says... #12

Is blue really all that necessary for just 2Countersquall ? It's not even that great of a card. Why not just have Combust or Molten Rain ?

November 6, 2013 4:02 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #13

I thought it might be a good idea. I really wanted something to help in the UWR Control matchup. There are only two things I am afraid of: counterspells and Lightning Helix . This does a good job answering both.

(This might actually be a bad idea. There used to be a mountain there, so it isn't really destroying the manabase or anything. It seems worth it. I want to try it out.)

November 6, 2013 9:16 p.m.

slimoGMS says... #14

I know someone asked about Vexing Devil, but isn't it better than Goblin Guide ?

November 28, 2013 12:26 a.m.

JakeOswoll says... #15

No. If your opponent can remove either of them, they will both do no damage. If they can't, Vexing Devil will do exactly 4 damage. Goblin Guide will do at least 4 in this situation, and your opponent still needs to find a way to remove it.

November 28, 2013 2:13 p.m.

icehippo says... #16

Very nice looking deck. This is pretty much the RDW I would like to build once I collect the cards I need. Good Job, you would make a hell of a mirror match.

November 29, 2013 5:34 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #17

So, I'm wondering what you guys think about either Serum Visions and Delver of Secrets  Flip over Deathrite Shaman . They both seem like they would be very powerful, but they may not be worth the added strain on the manabase.

December 28, 2013 2:04 p.m.

ExpectDragons says... #18

i know you want the damage from the Destructive Revelry when destroying an enchantment/artifact but Back to Nature is far better as it kills stax & boggle. Also personally i'd take Anger of the Gods over Volcanic Fallout , i know it helps against control but Anger of the Gods hits things like Kitchen Finks & reanimator decks. I'd also suggest Young Pyromancer in here.

+1 from me

December 30, 2013 6:57 p.m.

young pyromancer is too slow for this build, Id suggest -3 skullcrack +3 lightning helix, I know it's slower but if ur gonna splash white burn needs the life

January 23, 2014 8:17 p.m.

goblinking55 says... #20

How would you deal with Leyline of Sanctity ? I see no convenient way to get rid of it, aside from Countersquall . Just curious.

January 24, 2014 8:39 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #21

You don't. So few decks run Leyline of Sanctity that it isn't ever really worth thinking about.

January 29, 2014 12:45 a.m.

goblinking55 says... #22

Suit yourself.

January 30, 2014 6:25 p.m.

JakeOswoll says... #23

So, Deathrite Shaman is banned. This makes me want to put Vexing Devil back in. Thoughts?

February 3, 2014 12:14 a.m.

jackledaman says... #24

I find in the new meta that a red/blue Delver burn is far more powerful. Run cards like Snapcaster Mage (which got a lot better without the shaman around), Serum Visions and Electrolyze from blue, which results in your burn to go a lot further. Also the Serum Visions lets you set up your Delver of Secrets  Flip .

February 16, 2014 8:30 p.m.

I think it's worth it to splash white, even if just for paths and helixs

February 17, 2014 6 p.m.

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