I've been looking to get into legacy for a long time, and one of my favorite decks has always been High Tide. Now, I didn't want to shell out for or hunt down that playset of
Candelabra of Tawnos
so when I stumbled upon
in gatherer, and fell in love. Some friends mentioned an old deck called Springtide, and from that shell this list was born.
The general idea is that of any normal High Tide deck, but with the added ability of everything being at instant speed. There is only one exception to this and that is the miser's copy of
Time Spiral
. Now, that isn't a problem because the deck plays 3 copies of Quicken and a fourth one in the wish board. Intuition is in the deck mostly for tutoring up 3 lands so that you can hit a land drop, and then combo off next turn, or it can search for other options that make things awkward for your opponent.
One of the key points to remember about this deck is that the only cards that causes a net gain in cards is
and Brainstorm, with the occasional
Time Spiral
, everything else in the deck causes a change of zero in your cards in hand count, and the engine High Tide
cause a loss in cards.
Thawing Glaciers is the super fun card on this strategy. I personally like it in this list because it can become super abusive when you're
ting and Turnaboutting during your combo. The benefit for this is that because you HAVE to go off on your opponents turn, and you cannot play lands during their turn. It also serves as fetch number seven, and eight.
I've found that this strategy has a lot of positive matchups against other High Tide decks because you can ride their storm count, and the same concept applies with TES decks. It is however very susceptible to Chalice of the Void.
Some of the more intricate lines of play involve using Brainstorm
to put a live card, then a dead card on top and follow it up with Opt to move the dead card to the bottom, and then draw the live card. Brainstorm
Thawing Glaciers
can also be used for the "perfect" Brainstorm when going off. The last line of play that is my personal favorite is using Brainstorm
Peer Through Depths
to put two dead cards on top and then blow past them with Peer Through Depths and/or Impulse.