Mandalorian says... #2
Have you thought about the Abzan version with Abzan Ascendancy and Rally the Ancestors?
January 14, 2016 4:30 p.m.
syandell86 says... #3
I did play with the Abzan version with Rally. Ascendancy wasn't very good for me, and I worked on the mana base for a few weeks and couldn't get it straight.
When I used Hangarback, I usually hit it with CoCo when it was a bad time; no other creatures, etc.
It just didn't work out well.
January 14, 2016 10:07 p.m.
Rally the Ancestors is worth it I run a very simular deck with it
January 15, 2016 10:42 p.m.
Metamorphic1992 says... #5
Why run red just for act of treason? I know the board has red in it but the deck is typically designed around the mainboard and uses the sideboard as effective substitutes for ineffective cards against certain matchups and answers for bad matchups rather than to add an entire color that u have to worry about mana fixing for in game 1 when you're not really using that color then and u need to reliably get your other colors on time. If it's necessary and it works for u than great, but it's just not something I've ever seen or considered and I honestly find it a little abnormal. I was just curious as to what the reason is behind needing red in the sb so much that you're willing to run 4 colors in your mana base which could possibly compromise your ability to fix your mana. Unless it's just that easy to do but that's subjective.
January 31, 2016 12:34 a.m.
syandell86 says... #6
I'm not sure where 4 colors is coming in. I run B/G/R.
I originally ran Alesha, Who Smiles at Death in the main, but it got removed for more card advantage in the form of Elvish Visionary.
Out of 5 matches (12 games) Act of Treason was a win automatically no less than 5 times. Taking a Siege Rhino, dragon of any kind, Anafenza, the Foremost, etc at any point, I can sac them after I swing is a huge shift in momentum.
In regards to the "mana issue," I don't have to fix at all. My colors are all Jund and in the same block, so it's quite easy to produce red when needed. Either of my fetches can get any 3 of my colors at any point. I will never need red at any point until at the earliest, turn 3 or 4 and my mana is great for that. After turn 2 any fetch just gets a Zendikar tango land so it's quite easy.
I have NEVER had mana issues with this setup until one game yesterday where I just literally couldn't draw any land after my 3 mulligans.
This base is very very smooth to me.
The sideboard is red because red answers threats to this deck. Radiant Flames answers Atarka Red and tokens, Rending Volley is great against Jeskai in Jace and Mantis Rider, Fiery Conclusion can deal with most Abzan threats and even some dragons.
Sure it could use a bit of tweaking, but overall it's wonderful to me.
January 31, 2016 11:51 a.m. Edited.
Metamorphic1992 says... #7
I meant 3 colors. I know it's not hard to get 3. But u can use dbl mana intensive cards early in a dual colored deck as opposed to tricolor deck. I'd have to take a look for any that could help.
January 31, 2016 6:39 p.m.
happygilmore511 says... #8
Bearer of Silence is aces, but the sac might be too unreliable with your current mana base. You only have 3 colorless sources. But keep on testing I love aristocrats decks
February 7, 2016 2:34 a.m.
Infinite Obliteration in side board to name problematic creatures, and maybe Caustic Caterpillar for enchantment and artifact removal? I am running a Mono Black Sacrifice Deck and enchantments are problematic, so i try to Duress and Reflector Mage hes just a pain XD here is my little brew Mono-Black We belong to Thulsa Doom!
February 9, 2016 10:04 p.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #10
Have you considered splashing white for ayli? It's a great sac mechanic and is a decent body to boot. Also hangar back walker if u can afford it again a great creature and has nice feel in your deck
February 11, 2016 9:59 p.m.
syandell86 says... #11
White messed with my mana too much.
Hangarback Walker was great in theory, but every game I seemed to hit it off CoCo and Liliana, Heretical Healer was never in the field.
It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.
February 11, 2016 10:38 p.m.
syandell86 says... #13
I mostly used Carrier Thrall because it could trade with Monastery Swiftspear, but I've not run into red too often.
February 24, 2016 10:14 p.m. Edited.
oneAnonymouS says... #14
You should mention LSV and Channel Fireball since you have the same exact deck that they brought to PT Madrid (SoI).
Just saying.
April 25, 2016 11:55 p.m.
syandell86 says... #15
oneAnonymouS fortunately I've had this deck built for much longer than the PT.
The shell and non-SOI version have been in here for months actually. Check the date added - 4 months ago.
April 26, 2016 12:09 a.m. Edited.
oneAnonymouS says... #16
Well yes, catacomb+nantuko+cutthroat are widely known. I was talking about loam dryad, westvale and cryptolyt. But nvm, its up 2 you.
April 27, 2016 12:10 a.m.
Why Loam Dryad? It seems redundant with Cryptolith Rite but I have seen a few decks running both. What am I missing?
May 7, 2016 6:48 a.m.
syandell86 says... #18
That "combo" of being able to create mana out of nowhere is ridiculously good. Loam can be hit off of CoCo, only costs 1 mana, and can be played on turn one.
syandell86 says... #1
AxelMarkov, do you have a decklist?
January 12, 2016 7:15 p.m.