

"Attempting to harness the engine to our own destruction..... only humans could be so foolish"

Misato Katsuragi, Neon Genesis Evangelion

Death's Shadow has been a huge part of the modern meta for quite some time now. At first, Suicide Zoo, then Jund, then 4color good Shadow and then eventually grixis taking over as the most player variants. I have never desired to play the decks though as I saw them everywhere and it was extremely tiring to play against the deck so much. I have nothing against the deck, however, I also didn't have any desire to use it either. All that being said, I'll break down the list a bit.

Before the description, I'll link you over to the source of this deck, go show some support over there if you enjoy this list!

Esper Shadow Dec. 2017

Modern* Tethys


This list is my lil version of a primer, but it is tuned for my local meta. If you want to see a more broad list/what I plan to take to large tournaments, I'll link that here.

If you don't know by now, the whole point of Death's Shadow is to kill yourself more efficiently than your opponent does. Oftentimes, it is not actually a 13/13 for but rather a 5/5 for . Going too low on life means death, which we don't want. However, being at a reasonable health amount (7-9) is the sweet spot since our Death's Shadow is big which turns on our Stubborn Denials. This, somehow, seems to work every time most of the time! lets get into how we make sure this works.

In Death's Shadow lists of any color combination, discard spells are key to the success of the deck! We run a fairly standard discard package here and a few that would be unorthodox for tradional control based decks. First, lets start with the 'normal' package.

Inquisition of Kozilek--> Inquisition has long been considered one of the best discard spells across several formats since it was printed! 1 Black mana to take away anything (more or less) sounds like a plan. Take Path to Exile, Fatal Push, Terminate etc. to make sure our threats are safe. We will run this only as a 2-of since we have better spells for this deck!

Thoughtseize--> Thoughtseize is Inquisition on steroids normally and it is even more true with Death's Shadow! Take any non-land card, clear the way for a Death's Shadow and grow our Shadow??? Yes Please! I think we'll run 4!

Up next we have some of our more unconventional discard spells!

Street Wraith--> If you know Death's Shadow, this is not an unconventional pick. If you do not know Shadow, then this card seems strange. It isn't even a discard spell! A 5 mana 3/4 is pretty bad...but... Taking 2 damage and drawing a new card, at INSTANT SPEED!! So fast and efficient and fits the theme perfectly. Yes, we aren't directly protecting our Shadow, but we are growing it and finding a new card that could protect it. So we kinda are. We will run 4.

--> You have the option to run Lili, however after play testing and talking it through with my play group, I've decided to remove her from both Boards. We relay fairly heavily on card advantage and being able to hold up instant speed spells (removal and answers) so we felt the list could not sustain discarding every turn. I had one in both boards previously. She is a great card, however, this list is much more control heavy and control doesn't appreciate losing it's own resources.

In this specific list, we are running even fewer creatures between both boards than Grixis Shadow, and I wanted to run even fewer. Obviously our main threat is Death's Shadow, but we do have other threats as well!

Death's Shadow--> We can't have a Shadow list and not talk about Shadow itself!! The potential to have a 13/13 for is insane, although most of the time we don't want them that big as it means we are... well...dead. However, we can still get a ton of value from the Shadow. Being between 7-9 life is the optimal amount in my eyes, but I have gone lower and been safe. Just don't forget to keep track of your Shadow since it grows so fast!

Big Fishy--> More or less or secondary threat. For Angler, we have the same logic why Death's shadow is good. A 5/5 for is generally what we pay for him since we cast so many cheap spells, cycle streeth wraiths and cast Thoughtscours and fetchlands! Most lists will run 2 (so do I) but that number can change a bit. Delve fatties are strong, which is why we also run...

Tassy G.--> Another delve fattie for less mana technically. He also has the upside of recurring cards from the graveyard, which in a long game can be very beneficial. , but that number is flexible. I've gone up to 2 copies! I'd max at 3 though since he is legendary.

After actual threats, we have some more 'utility' based creatures to run that really help to hold the deck together. Without these, the deck can often be slow and a bit clunky at times.

Snapcaster Mage--> We are a control list after all! Flashing back spells is strong in any list and nothing changes once you add in Death's Shadow. We have so many amazing targets since Esper colors gives many good removal, cantrip and utility cards. Also, Snappy does have a 2/1 body that can get the job done if need be, but probably not the smartest or easy option in the world. Don't count him out though, as he does get the job done!

Streetwraith--> Alright, I know that I have already talked about the wraith but it is still a creature by definition. Sure, a 3/4 body for 5 is pretty awful, but we must at least acknowledge the fact he can attack and block in worst case scenarios. Sometimes he even wins game due to swamp walk, although it is rare. The best part about the card as a creature is the fact it's CMC is 5. Just like with Tasigur and Angler, Fatal Push and Abrupt Decay can't touch it, and it is out of Bolt range. So I guess there are some redeeming qualities...kinda...

This portion is probably the most flexible room in the entire list... there are just so many options when it comes to epser spells. and have a ton of good removal and answers, is essential as it draws us cards and can provide protection and options for how to play the game best. I'll just go over what I feel is necessary if you feel like running a similar list.

Thoughtscour--> Thoughtscour is in kind of an awkward spot in this deck. It's an amazing card and definitely necessary but there are some moments where you go "oops". For example, the deck only runs 3 shocklands (which is under the norm) so milling a Watery Grave hurts a ton! Well, actually less pain but you get the point. However, drawing a card and fueling delve/snapcaster is very important.

Opt + Serum Visions--> draw a card is extremely powerful. Opt is significantly stronger in this deck due to instant speed and the scry. Seeing cards is important, but this deck is a control deck, so sometimes taking a turn off for Serum Visions hurts more than helps. Holding up Stubborn Denial for an Aether Vial against humans or a turn 2 BloodMoon on the draw against ponza seems better all of a sudden.

Fatal Push + Path to Exile--> Without access to red, we lose some good removal (Terminate) and burst damage (Temur Battle Rage) so we need to make sure to have removal. We need enough of it to keep the board clear for some sustained damage from our threats without running board wipes since that hurts us a lot. Thankfully, and have the best removal available. I want to run a 4/3 split, but everyone claims I'm crazy not going 4/4 so I'm sticking it out for now.

Thoughtseize + Inquisition of Kozilek--> These cards are super crucial. In the very least, the 4 Thoughtseize is important for life loss and to protect your shadow's. The inquisitions are optional, but I'd run at least one fo them. They almost never have a downside and it just allows extra protection.


Updates Add

This change is super minor and I'll add in results after.

-1 Marsh Flats --> We shouldn't be flooding... but I do all the time somehow

+1 Path to Exile --> Honestly, the only reason I'm adding a 4th is it is a good card and I lost a match to Hazoret the Fervent and I was very sad.

Now, on to results. I took 6th with a 4-1 record... kinda sad since only top 5 get prizes, but I did get a 'pitty prize' in a soda and an unstable plains! Can't be sad about the record though, it was a great night!

Match 1: Junk (1-2) --> Games 1 and 2 were extremely close games where I didn't see any Lingering Souls from my opponent, which led to a game 3 misplay. Trading blow for blow in the first 2 games was exactly how these decks like to play, so these were pretty standard. Game 3, I placed an Engineered Explosives down on X=2 expecting a handful of Goyfs and Grim Flayers, instead to have opponent go Lingering Souls, flashback souls, and then the same on the next turn. Oops...

Match 2: Sultai Vial w/ Restoration Angel (2-0) --> My opponent was on full tilt and a very unpleasant soul... I've played against him several times and each time, win or lose, I walk away frustrated after the match. Either way, game 1 took obnoxiously longer than it should've due to Eternal Witness+Restoration Angel recurring Serum Visions and Cryptic Command *list*. Extremely annoying. Game 2 I had to deal with a couple of goyfs but Path and Push do work alongside a Tasigur and one very large Death's Shadow. Easy, frustrating, wins each game.

Match 3: Taking Turns --> (2-1) --> Game 1 was pretty simple, he went down to 6 cards, scryed, played a scry land, played a serum visions. By turn 3, He had scryed 8 cards to the bottom and couldn't find a single card he wanted. Add to that 3 large Death's Shadows and that's a win. Game 2 was a bit of a grind, which I killed myself in. I had no creature's on board with a Death's Shadow in hand at 8 life. Opponent had Creeping Tar Pit in play, I played htoughtseize to clear the way, opponent revealed 2 Time Warp, 2 Dictate of Kruphix and lands, went to 6, realized I killed myself to Tar Pit. Oops again on the night. Game 3 a turn 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Gurmag Angler along with a Shadow was enough to seal the deal.

Match 4: Naya Ally Tribal (2-0) --> We have an awesome mathcup into tribal strategies due to so much spot removal an pressure. More or less a steam roll, honestly there isn't too much to say.

Match 5: 4c Death's Shadow (no ) (2-0) --> I feel the mirror matchup is pretty well set. Game 1 we just won the race and used hand disruption to take Temur Battle Rage and Terminate. Game 2 opponent led on turn 1 Thoughtseize to see Opt, Thoughtscour, Lingering Souls x2, Street Wraith x2 and a fetch land. He then laughed and attempted to play a very uphill game of magic which we handily won. GGEZ.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

30 - 5 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders modern
Ignored suggestions
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