
An upgraded version of my Shadows block deck, our plan here is to discard cards like Dark Withering to various outlets such as Call the Bloodline to weaken the opponent's board whilst building up our own, then bowling over them with powerful threats like Ormendahl, Profane Prince or Abolisher of Bloodlines . That said, there are many viable options for the deck, so I'll be including both what I am running and other viable options for different metas as well, so the side board may look a bit strange as I will be populating it with single copies of those options. That established, lets move on to the list!

-- Lands ---

The deck is mono black, so you can always run 24 swamps to keep costs down, and since there are some triple black spells in the deck this isn't even a bad idea, but, unless you are against heavy landhate, bounce, or Blood Moon effects, I really do recommend the three copies of Westvale in the main board. Ormendahl is fairly hard to remove and the flying/lifelink combo makes him a fantastic beater, and our deck has no problems making the creatures to support his flip, even against fairly removal heavy decks.

The other 4 lands we are running are what I'd call "utility lands", and you should put whatever you need here -- I'm running the Sanitariums due to the heavy removal in my meta, as it is a difficult to remove discard outlet, and the temples as they can be pitched to an outlet and returned to play. Field of Ruin and Scavenger Grounds are some other viable inclusions that come to mind, as is Cabal Stronghold if you opt to run From Under the Floorboards .

-- Discard Outlets --

Without a doubt Call is the best discard outlet we have access to for this deck, as it is difficult to remove, has a low activation cost, creates tokens, and gains us life -- all things we like. Our other two outlets have been selected due to both their synergy with Call and free activation cost, allowing us a Voldaren Pariah   drop on turn 3 for an upside. The Condemned also has the upside of buffing nearly our whole board in this particular loadout and messing with math, which is always an appreciable upside.

For other options, the Skirk Ridge Exhumer and Cryptbreaker are viable alternatives to the Heir and Condemned, but unless you are running against the most enchantment hating of enchantment hate metas I'd advise against ever cutting Call for them. Exhumer and Breaker have excellent synergy with each other, as the later is able to tap tokens made by either to draw cards, while the former makes said tokens at half price. The Exhumer's tokens also have the additional upside of functioning as removal when destroyed, which vampire tokens lack.

- Wincons -

The Pariah is a fantastic card for our deck, and alongside Call the Bloodline is one of our build-arounds. The triple black makes it difficult to cast in other decks, but here we have no problems getting her out, and that flip trigger is outright backbreaking against non-token decks. Instant speed removal IS a threat here in response to her trigger though, so be aware of that, but otherwise enjoy your 6/5 flier for 3. The Scourge is a new addition to the deck I'm still testing, however its effect is almost Madness, as we want to pitch it for an upside like any other madness card, then pay 2 and pop some tokens to reanimate it -- we can't give it pseudo-flash like other madness cards, but other than that this card is amazing for our deck.

For alternatives here, Gurmag Angler , Extractor Demon , and Tombstalker all come to mind, as our deck has natural synergy with Delve and Unearth cards, though all strike me as distinctly inferior options unless you want to keep your creatures instead of sacrificing them, but who'd want to do that. Pfffffft.

- Support -

These last slots are dedicated to supporting the above core cards and primarly interact with your opponent, so this section is super flexible and needs the most catering to your particular meta.

In my case here, the mix of black and non-black decks means I have split my 'removal' effects into black and non-black, with the Recluse knocking out most non-black card creatures and withering hitting the evasive threats it cannot stop. Visitor can trade with up to x/4s when discarded to either a Call or Condemned, regardless of their color, and has the added benefit of potentially drawing us cards, whilst Compulsion hits anything that taps.

Other viable options include deep breath

- Strategy -

The most important element of this deck is to abuse its ability to never have a dead draw and to play extremely reactively; Madness cards can be cast whenever they are discarded, so all creatures and spells we have with madness are not only discounted when we discard them, but gain flash, and this makes it hard for our opponent to know when they have a safe swing or not. Even better, cards like the Exhumer and Call make tokens via ability, so counter spells may be able to stop what we try to cast when we discard, but they can't, generally, stop our token from coming in, so we come out ahead if they try to play reactively to our reactive plays.

Our general goal is going to be to get creatures onto the board as soon as possible in order to resolve one of our big threats and go in for the kill, so we want/need a discard outlet in our opening hand.


3x Call the Bloodline (000) 2x Cryptbreaker (EMN) 2x Heir of Falkenrath (SOI) 3x Skirk Ridge Exhumer (FUT)


2x Drownyard Temple (SOI) 17x Swamp (SOI) 3x Westvale Abbey (SOI)


4x Dark Withering (TSP) 4x Gorgon Recluse (TSP) 4x Murderous Compulsion (SOI)


4x Asylum Visitor (SOI) 2x Geier Reach Sanitarium (EMN) 3x Gisa's Bidding (SOI) 3x Grave Scrabbler (FUT) 4x Psychotic Episode (TSP)

Here we have an upgraded variant of my Shadows block deck built around discarding Madness cards, such as Murderous Compulsion and Dark Withering , to payoff outlets like Cryptbreaker and Skirk Ridge Exhumer to build up our board whilst setting back our opponent. Once we have sufficient tokens built up, we win via big swing or mass sacrificing tokens to the Westvale Abbey   or Voldaren Pariah   for difficult to deal with threats. So, let's look at what we are running and why:

The Landbase

As a mono black deck we certainly have the option of going 24 Swamps and calling it a day, but the Drownyard Temple is excellent discard fodder for us, as it can self recur if we miss a land drop or have nothing better to do on a given turn, and the Westvale Abbey  s are one of our primary wincons, allowing us to make tokens or a giant evasive beater to close out the game. The two copies of Geier are there as hard to remove backup discard outlets, though we are only running two as they are generally inferior to our other land options, and we do generally want to push for double or triple black as soon as possible.

- Discard Outlets -

The Breaker and Exhumer have solid synergy with each other, as both make zombie tokens we can tap for card draw, though Call the Bloodline remains the arguable most important drop in this slot, as it dodges creature removal and the lifelinking tokens can help against aggro matchups. The Exhumer's tokens are more valuable than the Breaker's and should be made instead whenever possible, as they function as psuedo removal, especially when mass sacrificed to the Westvale Abbey   or Voldaren Pariah  . The two copies of Heir give us a free discard and respectable flying beater, which can end games for us if the opponent has no answer for it.

- Win Cons -

The Pariah is almost a build around card for this deck, as a 3/3 flier for 3 on its own is perfectly fine, but the 6/5 beater for 3 is absolutely absurd, especially with its trigger axing damn near everything our opponent can throw at us, not to mention the -3/-3 we can place from the sac'd Festering Goblins should let us kill off smaller creatures they might want to sac instead. The only thing we really have to worry about is our opponent responding to a transformation trigger at instant speed, because until it resolves we haven't flipped, but we do have options to deal with that. Our secondary wincon, discounting clubbing people with tokens, is the aforementioned Westvale Abbey  , which we can flip whenever and almost always kill something and gain some life off of.

- Removal -

Sadly we don't have access to a Fiery Temper in mono black, but these three function well enough. Madness effectively gives all of our cards Flash, provided we have a discard outlet, and all three of these work extremely well to stop creatures swinging at us, with Withering potentially hitting targets that won't. All together a fairly solid removal package.

- Utility -

Visitor provides us with potential extra card draw and a fairly nasty flash blocker, taking down up to x/5s in conjunction with a Festering Goblin, and we do have the potential to go through our hand fairly quickly, especially in situations where Call the Bloodline has been getting heavy use. Episode is our most reliable hand-hate option, and we ideally want to toss it out before flipping our Abbey or Pariah, not to mention it has the upside of burying the card we find instead of dropping into the graveyard for recursion. The Scrabblers allow us to pull creatures back to our hand, the most useful ones being discard outlets, though anything we recur is pretty fine

- Other Options -

Works best against aggro or token decks, but hits our own side quite hard, though this isn't ALWAYS a problem, especially if we have a lot of Shambling Goblins out.

At first the card appears strictly superior to Grave Scrabbler, but this card is useless to cast without a creature in our graveyard and doesn't provide a blocker for us, so . . . strong, but only situationally useful.

Side this in against decks running bigger creatures, otherwise it is often a sub-optimal draw -- nice card all the same, though.

Questionable but powerful discard outlet with removal and handhate options. The two mana cost and sorcery speed keep it from being a mainboard recommendation, however.

The slower nature of our deck often allows us to resolve this for at least 4~, gaining us some life and putting pressure on the board, especially if we drop this on their endstep via its Madness trigger, and it was previously run as an alternate wincondition in the deck -- it is still completely viable in the deck, I've just grown to prefer Gisa's Bidding for the easier math and the immediate card draw with a Cryptbreaker on the field.

- Strategy -

  • One of the most important thing to remember about this deck is that it is designed to be played almost entirely reactively, and all Madness cards activate at instant speed with a discard outlet, so play to that reactive nature.
  • Remember that you can tap zombies at any time with Cryptbreaker , even if they have summoning sickness. This means you can drop a Gisa's Bidding to it to create 3 zombies and block, then tap them to draw a card before damage is dealt.
  • If you are playing against something like Ixalan's Binding , you can sacrifice its target to a Voldaren Pariah   or the Westvale Abbey   to dodge it.


Updates Add

Cut back a lot of the zombie support in favor of vampire support; both work fine, vamps just a bit better in my current meta as Call is significantly harder to remove than Exhumers and Breakers. Also, got a spiffy new dragon that I added as a wincon. :D

- Removed from mainboard -

- Added to mainboard -

Will do further testing from this point -- Psychotic episode will likely be making a return, and I foresee cutting down a copy or two of Scourge and possibly Heir and Condemned to make more room for support, but I'll see.


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.67
Tokens Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Vampire Knight 1/1 B
Folders deck
Ignored suggestions
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