
Burn baby burn. Obviously speed and aggression are crucial with this deck. 20 damage by turn three happens, but more consistently it's turn four.

I use a few cards that aren’t used in most burn decks. Risk Factor is one of them. I really like Risk Factor when I've got my opponent down to 9 or less life. Would you like to lose four life or would you like me to draw what will likely be at least four damage? Granted the card draw will sometimes save the opponent for a turn, but it also grants me the opportunity to get that land drop I may have missed, or to get those crucial extra burn spells in hand. If it gets noped or if I need to run it back, I can still go for the jump start by discarding.

I also run three Sulfuric Vortex main board. One of the biggest problems burn decks face is life gain. I find that neutralizing that while also dealing two damage per turn is very helpful. Sure, it will likely get removed, but it buys time for me to burn their face off.

I've had questions about why I run the fetch lands. Arid Mesa and Bloodstained Mire are there to thin the deck of some lands. This deck runs perfectly on 3, or 4 lands max. Each fetch land I use makes it just that much more likely to get a crucial burn spell instead of top decking a mountain.


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95% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 2 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

18 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.31
Folders Enemies, Decks of greatness, Liked
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