I'm back with, once again, with an enchantress deck. Surprise surprise.
Anyway I want to get into pioneer without buying into a meta deck. So, I'm going to try and put all my enchantress cards to work!
So this deck comes from some other's I have seen running around online. Most enchantress decks are all centered around Sigil of the Empty Throne and my deck is no different. If it ain't broke don't fix it right? That being said I do wonder if Archon of Sun's Grace might be a good redundancy as a 2 of or something just in case.
We have 2 wonderful enchantresses in Setessan Champion and Eidolon of Blossoms to hel us draw all the things we want and more. Herald of the Pantheon is a great card that allows me to play more enchantments in fewer turns with the added benefit of gaining life. Courser of Kurphix is sudo draw with he added benefit of gaining me even more life. I feel like this deck will do pretty well against aggro thanks to these two.
Then we just have tons of removal. Banishing Light is a great all rounder for removal. Baffling End is good no doubt but I'm honestly not sure if it should run more of this, lett, or swap it out for Seal Away. Cast Out is nice because cycling. I have been debating throwing Elspeth Conquers Death in there because it is nice removal and can get back creatures and Calix, Destiny's Hand. It might just cost too much, not really sure.
Wolfwillow Haven is there to help get to the bigger spells like sigil quicker and Sphere of Safety is there to help keep me alive. It is a great card and I have thought of running more either in the main or sideboard but until I do some testing it will stay at 2.
Finally we have Calix, Destiny's Hand who is nice card advantage as well as removal. I don't expect to actually get him to seven too often but there is a good amount of removal in the deck and he creatures are pretty sturdy so you never know.
Sideboard time. Destiny Spinner for heavy control, Gideon's Intervention for Inverter of Truth, Leyline of Sanctity for Thought Seize, Rest in Peace for anything involving graveyards, Starfield of Nyx for heavy removal and can work as a go wide sort of strategy (I've thought of swapping this out for Dance of the Manse, and finally Damping Sphere for lotus storm.
That is the deck. I've thought of throwing in Alseid of Life's Bounty for protection, Nyx-Fleece Ram for even more aggro hate, Satyr Enchanter and Starfield Mystic as backup cards, and some other things that you can see in the maybeboard. Hope you all enjoy it and as always any thoughts on how the deck can be improved are appreciated.