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Martyr Control





This blue-based control deck attacks from a completely different axis than other Ux control builds. Core to this deck is the forecast ability of Sky Hussar that allows to generate a lot of card advantage while the cheap creatures lock the board and prevent the opponent from resolving a spell.

Card Choices

Aether Vial

A ruthlessly efficient card that is core to this deck. A turn 1 vial dramatically improves this deck's game plan since we can always leave up counter mana and still drop our creatures. Most of the time, Vial will stay on 2 or 3 counters.

Sage of Epityr

This card looks innocent but does so much work. It's an Index for 4 cards, finds Vial or lands in the early turns and allows to shuffle back unwanted cards with Flooded Strand. In addition, it is a Wizard and it taps for Sky Hussar to draw more cards. A regular move is a turn 1 Vial, then flashing him in at the beginning of your 2nd turn, find a card you need and have UU ready to cast Wizard's Retort.

Siren Stormtamer

Siren Stormtamer handles a lot of cards and effects. First and foremost, it protects our threats and especially Spell Queller, preventing the opponent from recasting their exiled spells. In addition, it counters targeted discard spells, burn spells, valakut triggers, thought-knot seer triggers, Gifts Ungiven, planeswalker abilities and much more if needed. Oh, and she's a wizard!

Voidmage Prodigy

Kai Budde is the glue of this deck. Most of our cards are wizards and once you drop him, he's hard to handle. He counters basically any thread as long as we have a wizard on the field and we can just play draw-go while drawing cards with Sky Hussar. Control decks or combo decks cannot use their counter spells to secure their threads so they have to get rid of him first before resolving a valuable card.

Spell Queller

One of the better disruption pieces in this deck. Spell Queller is especially strong versus Cavern of Souls since it exiles spells instead of countering them. In combination with Meddling Mage, we can prevent our opponent from recasting the spell if Spell Queller should die.

Sky Hussar

The draw engine in this deck. This card allows to grind out games and interacts very nicely with Vial. There are a lot of neat interactions between the forecast ability and flashing in Sky Hussars.

Meddling Mage

Another form of disruption. Stops cast triggers from Ulamog or World Breaker and troublesome cards. Works well with spells exiled with Spell Queller or creatures bounced with Reflector Mage.

Nimble Obstructionist

A good disruption piece for game 1, a flex slot for this deck. This wizard-y bird stifles fetch land activations, Oblivion Stones, Engineered Explosives and many more. In addition, flash is helpful to get 2 creatures on the board if we do not have a vial in order to start our card draw engine.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 10 Rares

17 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
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