And the end of My Grixis Deck has come for the Format good bye my king Keranos, God of Storms it does sadden me to see it go but now I get to play Esper and I think this deck is a lot stronger
Card Advantage.
Anticipate - Card helps to smooth out you mana draws or find that answer you need in a tight spot.
Dig Through Time - Pure card advantage and allows you to use that Graveyard.
Jace's Ingenuity
- More card advantage is always good and not bad to have a draw 3 on turn 5 if they do nothing.
Counter Magic
Negate - Card is still very solid counters walkers and enchantments and helps with that red burn.
Disdainful Stroke - card is very strong don't need to say much more.
Ojutai's Command
- I put this in to test so far love it great vs the red deck gaining 4 life is very relevant and vs the more midrange deck card advantage is what control wants.
- Still one of the strongest counter magic's in standard atm.
Removal Package
Bile Blight
- in my first wright up I had not included this due to mana I have made some alterations to the base now to include 17 sources of black to help cast this thing it is a very good way to deal with multiple of the same threat.
Ultimate Price
- this card is also narrow at this stage its good in a lot of match up's so keeping 2 at this stage.
Utter End - good card hits so many things and exile is always relevant.
Hero's Downfall - Kills anything that you care about.
- so this was suggested to me by our local control player as a 1 main for the big blow outs so far tested it and liked it also another way to stop dying at instant speed do approve
End Hostilities - Very good board sweep good when they playing Dragons and non Dragons.
Crux of Fate - still unsure if I should be running a 2 of Crux over 2 Hostilities only testing will tell.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver - a strong tool to the U/B deck I think it still have a place in this deck still can steal there stuff and kill them with it.
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Card is so strong and a win con in any late game deck if nothing else sweeps the board.
Narset Transcendent - I have done it and felt dirty but -2 Dig Through Time but it feels so good
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - do I even need to say why she is here :P
Resolute Archangel - this again is a spicy one so far it has been good that problem of dying to a single burn spell after you stabilised but are at low life windmill slam this shit and watch them squirm no mono red player likes seeing this when they in top deck mode.
so played this deck for a few weeks now some variations what dragons I have got (being minimal) and although the dragon version seems strong people are building to counter it I do think my control mirror is hard but if I play correctly and chose how to use my spells right then it wont hinder the deck at all will see what happens.
If you like the deck please upvote or leave feedback thanks in advance :D