

Planeswalker (1)

Enchantment (1)

Instant (1)

Based off of Bram Snapvanger's List from PTDTK with a few changes of my own.

Collected Company


A Green splash White Aggro deck focused on creatures with CMC <3 and Collected Company.

Curve out. This deck can be hard to beat if you go 1-2-3-4. Especially since your mainboard 4 drops are Collected Company, potentially getting you two more creatures or Surrak the Hunt Caller, dealing 5 hasty damage.

Your best curve is probably Sunblade Elf -> Fleecemane Lion -> Boon Satyr -> Collected Company or Elvish Mystic -> Fleecemane Lion + Sunblade Elf -> Collected Company


One Mana

  • Sunblade Elf - Replacing Warden of the First Tree since I actually don't mind if I hit this guy off of a Collected Company. He's usually a 2/2, rather than a 1/1 and can pump my team late game.
  • Elvish Mystic - Sucks to get this guy from a Company, but he can ramp us to a turn 3 company. Which is backbreaking against a lot of decks.
  • Aspect of Hydra - This card is really fun to use. With Surrak, Avatar, Boon Satyr, and Nylea's Disciple out of the side, you can get a LOT of green devotion. Meaning you can kill out of nowhere.

Two Mana

  • Fleecemane Lion - Watchwolf with upside. Annoying to remove after Monstrous. Need I say more?
  • Avatar of the Resolute - Wasn't too sure about this guy at first, but after a little testing, holy hell. A 3/2 is huge, and having reach AND trample?! He's awesome! And he doesn't have to be a 3/2 all the time. He can grow as long as I have a Fleecemane, Citadel Siege, or Reverent Hunter.
  • Dromoka's Command - One of the most hyped of the command cycle, this thing is powerful. Let me explain this in parts:
    • Stops Anger of the Gods, Stoke the Flames and any other red removal.
    • Enchantment Removal. Enchantments are huge in this meta, whether its a Courser of Kruphix, Jeskai Ascendancy, Outpost Siege, or a God. It's value. Only bad if they have something along the lines of Chained to the Rocks and you want to remove their Siege.
    • Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. This is useful as a combat trick, or as half of the most often used part of this card.
    • Target Creature you control fights target creature you don't control. This is the other half of the most often used part, an undercosted Hunt the Weak . Its half the cost it normally is, and has other options. Very powerful.
  • Valorous Stance - Choices are good. Killing a Courser (or a Thunderbreak Regent) is very nice at 2 mana. Making your Avatars or Fleecemanes indestructible at instant speed is also quite nice.

Three Mana

  • Boon Satyr - I can cast this at instant speed for a blocker, or get it and another creature at instant speed with company. A 4/2 with 2 green devotion is insane, and being able to bestow at instant speed too is even better.
  • Reverent Hunter - Wow, this deck gets a lot of devotion. The more Boon Satyrs and Avatars you have, but the more counters you have, the better Avatar gets. Its a nice synergy.

Four Mana

  • Collected Company - This card is ridiculous. End of the opponent's turn, tap 4, get anywhere from 0-6 mana's worth of creatures. Might sound bad on paper, but it is very scary for your opponent if you hit double Boon Satyr or a Reverent Hunter and an Avatar off of this. Do not underestimate it.
  • Surrak, the Hunt Caller - Haste on a 5/4 body for 4 is really good. Even though I can't get him from company, he's still really nice to have in the deck.


  • Windswept Heath - Fixing and minor thinning. Not super important, but its nice being able to fetch for a Forest turn 1 for an Elf, or a Plains for a turn 2 Fleecemane and a 2/2 Sunblade Elf.
  • Temple of Plenty - Fix your draws and your mana. Probably could go up in number, but we need untapped lands more often.
  • Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Gives us a lot of mana for bestowing, monstrousing, or collecting company.

Dromoka's Command




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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 2 Rares

4 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.41
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
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