Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund

Commander / EDH ThePerilousRealm


Thanks for looking and commenting. I appreciate the feedback.

I'm aware of the infinite combos with Hellkite Charger and Aggravated Assault , but I'm not a huge fan of infinite combos. I may include in the future though.

Not a bad idea swapping in a Swamp to help with Sakura-Tribe Elder , but I already feel like I have a bit too much black and not enough green mana. I'm thinking about dropping Shizo, Death's Storehouse , but would hate to give up the Fear utility.

Nesting Dragon + Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire sounds pretty sweet. I'll have to give some thought to including that. Not sure what to give up though.

Haha, Patriarch's Bidding would be pretty epic with Scourge of Valkas . I'll have to look into getting one.

Rhythm of the Wild is pretty awesome.

As for good old Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon , I'm not ready to drop him quite yet, but you're probably right that it would be good to swap him for Glorybringer . He just packs so much brutal utility for a low CMC. I guess the same could be said for Glorybringer .

March 6, 2019 7:51 a.m.
April 13, 2019 11:34 a.m.

Vlasiax : Not a bad idea, but I don't own a Mana Crypt at the moment. That will have to be a long-term goal.

Played this deck a few times yesterday and had some trouble dealing with "Indestructible" creatures (specifically, Soul of New Phyrexia and Spearbreaker Behemoth ). Thinking about adding Bonds of Mortality and maybe Hour of Devastation and/or Dismember . Any other ideas?

Also thinking about cutting down some of the more expensive dragons for cheaper ones (as painful as that will be). Going to try to include Damnation as well.

April 14, 2019 2:03 p.m.

I like your suggestions, but I'm not sure what to cut.

Thinking of adding in Terramorphic Expanse , Evolving Wilds , Worldly Tutor , Sarkhan's Triumph , and Patriarch's Bidding .

Also, why not Vraska's Contempt instead of Abrupt Decay ? 3 cmc seems a bit limiting... Also, exile on the Vraksa's is nice in these colors.

Was also thinking of adding Entomb and Exhume (or something similar).

May 11, 2019 9:59 p.m.

Also, was thinking about Sight of the Scalelords . Expensive at 5 cmc, but vigilance and +2/+2 for almost of my attacking creatures would be nice, wouldn't it?

May 11, 2019 10:01 p.m.

Thank you, excellent suggestions.

I will probably end up swapping Kilnmouth Dragon for Night's Whisper , but it will be painful to do so. If you've ever pulled off revealing 3 dragons from your hand and then dropping in the Kilnmouth Dragon , it's a pretty awesome feeling.

As far as Crucible of Fire goes, I hear you. I know it's a total Timmy/"Win More" card, but I'm a Timmy. Also, I feel like it's one of the few options for "Dragon Tribal"-- if you're not utilizing tribal interactions, why bother?; it also makes all of the tokens absolute beasts. The 2/2s become 5/5 terrors of the skies, etc., etc. With Nesting Dragon in the mix, I felt like this was a card I wanted to include. I think I'm going to play-test a bit after my next update and see how it goes.

I was thinking something a little bit similar with Spit Flame -- the best part there was that it fits the dragon triblal theme and lets me re-use it from the GY for only .

Instead of The Immortal Sun , I'll probably swap in Chromatic Lantern instead of the Signets

Also, my "Flying Matters" theme is just about toast now, so I'll probably be adding in the Dragonspeaker Shaman and the Dragonlord's Servant instead of the group-hug mana doublers I'm currently including. While I'm at it, I'll probably be adding Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma too (which was an early suggestion from you).

The point re: Temple of the False God is fair and I'll be swapping it out. I also checked out the Evolving Wilds article you linked. Given the benefit of landfall from Nesting Dragon , do you think I should roll with the "slow taplands" or TM/EW?

I'll work on posting a major update this weekend. Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback, I really appreciate it.

May 12, 2019 8:48 p.m.

Vlasiax: Thank you, glad you like the changes (they were your idea)! THaven't had a chance to playtest it yet, but I think it should do well. I'll keep you posted.

May 19, 2019 6:12 p.m.


Accidentally kept in Temple of the False God when doing the update earlier. Putting back in Woodland Cemetery .


Temple of the False God


Woodland Cemetery

May 19, 2019 9:36 p.m.
October 30, 2019 6:32 p.m.
November 28, 2019 10:41 a.m.

moremanawins says... #16

Sweet list. +1 from me. Question: What's the plan once you get your general and a bunch of dragons out but then an opponent cast a clone or copy spell to get their own Karrthus and steal all your dragons?

December 21, 2019 10:55 p.m.

moremanawins: Thanks for the upvote and the question. Sorry for the delay in responding, I was out of the country for Christmas and just got home.

Aside from being a little slow, you've pointed out one of the deck's greatest vulnerabilities. To deal with that issue, I have Homeward Path . Another option is to sacrifice or destroy Karrthus at instant speed before he can be cloned ( High Market helps with that). If you have any other ideas, please let me know!

December 31, 2019 11:35 a.m.

Torekai92 says... #18

Love seeing a good dragon list, +1 from me.

If you wanted some sacrifice with benefits style cards maybe Greater Good or Momentous Fall to get rid of Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund before he gets cloned.

Or the protection route cards like Asceticism, Swiftfoot Boots, or Lightning Greaves to keep Karrthus from being targeted.

February 27, 2020 8:40 a.m.

Absolutely love the deck. Dragons are one of the most fun tribes in the game! Would love to see Drakuseth, Maw of Flames in this deck. :]

March 29, 2020 7:13 p.m.

Thank you Elves_are_cool, I really appreciate it. Drakuseth, Maw of Flames is a beast. Any suggestions for what to cut to get him in?

March 30, 2020 10:42 a.m.

ThePerilousRealm honestly every card in the 99 seems carefully considered! The only cards I can consider cutting are Nature's Claim, Assassin's Trophy, or Beast Within. Personally I'm leaning on Nature's Claim. While cutting potentially vital removal on resilient enchantments may seem questionable, I think Drakuseth is just so spicy that it's worth it (or at least more fun!). As an aside what about cutting Undiscovered Paradise for Unclaimed Territory?

March 30, 2020 11:06 a.m.

Elves_are_cool: Not bad ideas. The only problem with cutting those removal options is that the deck has a bit of a high curve and those are a few of the only cards I can play in the first few turns. Having them around can keep me in the early game, so I don't get too far behind. If I was going to cut one, it might be Beast Within, but the versatility is nice.

As for Undiscovered Paradise, I keep it around to provide Nesting Dragon with a recurring Landfall trigger. This can generate Dragon Egg Tokens over and over again, which can be really nice if you have Scourge of Valkas on the board. It also has good color fixing. Maybe too niche to keep around.

March 31, 2020 10 p.m.

ThePerilousRealm Point taken on both accounts! Well keeping curve in mind... What about cutting Wasitora, Nekoru Queen? Her ability can only remove one creature at a time, where as Drakuseth can potentially kill 3 creatures across everyones board. Could be something to consider?

April 1, 2020 11:58 p.m.

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