Hateknight Company of the Township

Modern BoCaliv


magiceli says... #10

Have you tested with this deck? If so, how competitive have you found it to be? Either way this deck looks really fun, +1.

February 2, 2016 7:37 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #11

@ magiceli Yeah I've been playing it for about a month now, and it competes pretty well. It's similar to that Knightfall deck where you play the KotR, but I don't use the combo of Retreat to Coralhelm to combo with her. I prefer a good ol' punchy fight sometimes when I don't play my Mono-White Taxation.

February 2, 2016 7:53 p.m.

LordDerrien says... #12

Hi, BoCaliv, awesome to see you have a new deck! I quite like knights myself and this deck looks definitly more distinctive, than the common Mono-White lists.

One thing, that could be done to optimize your already very polished list, would be in my opinion to lower your land count to 20 and adding in the fourth Knight of the White Orchid. This would free up an additional two slots. Mana fixing should be no problem for you thanks to Knight of the Reliquary and Knight of the White Orchid. It might be unneceassry but Windswept Heath is the cheapest of the fetchlands.

I would also cut the Student of Warfare from the deck. While they are strong mana dumps, they also are inconsistent in landing on turn one, but also do not let you play a tapped shockland.

All in all my suggestions would look like this:

Cut: -3 Student of Warfare, -1 Gavony Township and -1 Plains

Add: +1 Knight of the White Orchid, (+4 Leonin Skyhunter) +4 Honor of the Pure/Light from Within

These changes would help you to be more present in the air, or if you want to rely on your removal to care about arial threats, you should try to go for additional anthem effects to support Knight Exemplar.

Hope I could help and did not try to sabotage an already good working system!

+1 :)

March 22, 2016 10:12 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #13

Thanks for taking the time to give me such wonderful feedback LordDerrien! I live and breath Hatebears and many of my "Sunbears" were a great start to a Tribal deck.

I have thought about dropping down to 20 lands, and running the playset of KotWO, but for the same reasons I don't use fetches I run only 3. Leonin Arbiter is a nightmare haha.

As for the aerial vulnerability I have currently: Leonin Skyhunter would definitely relieve some of the pressure of having to land Stillmoon Cavalier. I've also thought about adding in Elspeth, Knight-Errant, considering; her CMC is only 4.

Then finally the anthem effects to protect Knight Exemplars are a great idea, and I have thought about it because of how many white creatures I'm running. They are great on their own though because one buffs the other, and then a sideboarded Favor of the Mighty REALLY makes them allstars.

Oooooh, totally forgot the Student of Warfare bit. Yes, he's kinda the only fringe card in the list, but holds a solid slot because of the mana dump. I'll test with your suggestions, and see how it goes. I'm still learning an entire new meta because, my usual local store moved 30 miles away, and I have to go to a new place that also does Warhammer.

March 23, 2016 2:44 a.m. Edited.

cakeysteve says... #14

Looks nice and interesting. Your curve is all over the charts to be honest.

March 23, 2016 4:56 a.m.

Ruxius says... #15

Fiendslayer Paladin instead of paladin a vec :3

April 7, 2016 7:36 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #16

En-vec is such a pet card of mine that it's hard to drop him haha. Either one does a solid job.

April 7, 2016 7:47 p.m.

Oof_Magic says... #17

I could be totally blind but what does Sundering Growth populate? Perhaps Krosan Grip?

May 5, 2016 3:06 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #18

@Happymaster19 you're actually totally not blind..i have been mis reading that card this whole time. Wow..thanks man Krosan is definitely better or disenchant.

May 5, 2016 9:30 p.m. Edited.

Oof_Magic says... #19

Take your pick. Qasali Pridemage might not be a knight, but he could be of some benefit here off of CoCo.

May 5, 2016 9:36 p.m.

pib says... #20

this seems to lack hatebears. I see knights, but where is the hate?

June 25, 2016 11:14 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #21

Hate is described as an ability or affect that stops, punishes, gives you an advantage over or protection from a specific color.

Indestructible, pro red,black,green,white, mana gain, etc are all hate affects. They may be knights, but still a 2/2 body.

You'll also see I have given my own name for the build, just using Hatebear as the archetype.

June 25, 2016 11:28 p.m.

pib says... #22

.So they're broad hate for anti creature strats. Makes sense.

June 28, 2016 3:48 p.m.

JoshRigone says... #23


Sweet deck! I'm a huge // Collected Company junkie, so it's awesome to see fresh takes on the archetype. How well do you like Knight of Meadowgrain? If the lifelink isn't extremely relevant than you might be better served by either Sigiled Paladin or Knight of Glory.

Have you ever considered running any Cavern of Souls? It may not be necessary (depending on the amount of control you play against) but it could be worth the inclusion.

July 20, 2016 11:47 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #24

Due to the number of shocks in the deck lifelink does show some impact. Hense the meadowgrain, and Fiendslayer.

I like the two suggestions nonetheless.

Cavern of Souls would be amazing in the deck, just budget constraining.

Thanks so much for the suggestions and kind words though!

July 21, 2016 12:14 a.m. Edited.

Oof_Magic says... #25

You probably already explained it but why shocks without fetches?

July 21, 2016 12:31 a.m.

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