Needle Drop Burn

Modern* APPLE01DOJ


TheRedDude says... #1

is this almost all 4 ofs?

October 16, 2014 5:38 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #2

Burst Lightning, Incinerate, Lightning Strike, and Shock are just not quite modern worthy. In the case of Lightning Strike and Incinerate you simply don't get enough damage per mana, and Shock doesn't give enough damage per card. Cutting them, you now have 16 spots to play with!

I'd suggest adding 3x Grim Lavamancer right off the bat. He's a great utility creature and can burn small creatures and hit for damage for days. I'd also recommend 4x Shard Volley, as they can be an effective Bolt to finish them off. Another Forked Bolt or two wouldn't hurt as well. I'd also consider putting in Vexing Devil or Hellspark Elemental. Mainboarding a couple Searing Blaze is also very useful. Last but not least, Flames of the Blood Hand gives a powerful 4 damage in a card, bundled up with a skullcrack effect. Mono red doesn't have Boros Charm, so it adds topdeck power.

It's a solid deck, just work on taking out some of the Shock and Searing Spear effects. While they're great in standard, they just cant match the power level of Modern.

November 9, 2014 8:26 p.m.

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