RW Aggro with an intention to built to beat other aggro strategies while simultainously going under other lists... The lifelink from Lone Rider flip is insane in this matchup, and the Equipment shines with 12 flip creatures. However, the deck probably needs more interaction, probably incendiary flow in place of Stitcher's Graft, and Finding room blessed alliance by moving the Garrisons to the sideboard.
Sideboard Plan looks like so:
vs Aggro(Vampires, Werewolves, Mirror, B/R Artifact Aggro, nRG Aggro): +1 Blessed Alliance, +1 Incendiary Flow, +3 Thalia, Heretic Cathar, +1 Mountain; -2 Smuggler's Copter, -4 Toolcraft Exemplar. We adopt a more removal heavy plan, with the game plan being to grow a lieutenant or a field just bigger than their field, while interacting with their threats in a way that shuts them down. Thalia turns off Vehicle haste, and gives me a chance to run the pilot through with a Incendiary Flow, while also presenting a first striking threat which turns off any X/3's attacking.
vs Midrange(Emerge, Grim Flayer Delirium). -3 Incendiary Flow, -4 Lone Rider; +4 Hanweir Garrison, +1 Battlements, +2 Make a Stand. The only likely target for Flow is gonna be Advocate, and midrange decks likely run sweepers to keep aggro in check, so make a stand can be clutch against Kozilek's Return, while Hanweir Garrison gives a great top end that can run low enough to the ground to dodge most of their threats, and is also good after they play a sweeper.
vs Control(Naya Walkers, B/W Walkers/Angels, Esper, U/R Spells): -4 Blessed Alliance; +1 Incendiary Flow, +3 Make a Stand. Theres no time to be cute with Blessed Alliance flipping a Lone rider here, Low to the Ground and Flows going to the face is the only option if you're gonna win here. K-Return and Radiant Flames, as well as the White Sweepers are all good against us. Preserving the Board State we can achieve, without over extending is key, otherwise this deck will run out of gas quickly.