First attempt of building Red Deck Wins. WIll improve it as we obtain the cards we want for it.
Monastery Swiftspear: Basically a budget version of Goblin Guide. So far I like her; she's been swinging for 2 pretty often sometimes even 3.
Spark Elemental: Lighting Bolt on a creature. Looking for replacements but so far I like him; great to draw on turn 1.
Vexing Devil: Giving your opponent a choice is bad? Well when the choice is either they take 4 to the dome or i get a 4/3 for one red? Sounds like being between a rock and a hard place.
Keldon Marauders: At worst he gets popped and deals 2 to your opponent, or he swings and deals five for two mana. Awesome.
Lightning Bolt: Do you even need to ask? Best spell in Modern.
Spark Jolt; so far, its been a substitute for Rift Bolt. While the scry is nice, it's basically been used to trigger Taylor Swiftspear's Prowess. Flicking my opponent's forehead isn't very fun tho. Once I obtain some Rift Bolt's they will be coming out.
Shock & Tarfire: Tarfire just because its basically a Goblin Shock. Both of them are in there to replace Lava Spike since i don't have any. Will be quickly replaced.
Searing Blaze: This I'm iffy on right now. It's a good card but running this without fetches usually means I'm not hitting the Landfall. Until I obtain some these might be coming out.
Shard Volley: Only have one cuz that's all i own. Will definitely be trying to complete my playset.
Magma Jet: only running 3 cuz I'm trying to finish the playset. Running one Incinerate in the meanwhile.
Incinerate: Read above.
Skullcrack. Will complete the playset once I obtain the last one. Great for lifegain decks.
Volcanic Hammer: Looking for what to replace this with. Most likely Grim Lavamancers.
16x Mountains. Here's hoping for a Zendikar fetch reprinting! ()
Eidolon of the Great Revel: Love this card. Perfect for the mirror or for control decks. Either they kill it and take 2 or possibly take 8-10 before he dies.
Ash Zealot: Really shines against Dredge style decks. Plus she's an aggresive 2/2 body. Big fan of this card. Sideboarded tho cuz we don't really want to pay 2 to play her when we can play more burn.
Dragon's Claw: For the mirror. Helps us to outlast.
Smelt: For Affinity decks.
Shrine of Burning Rage: Builds counters up quickly with all the cheap burn we're playing. Will most likely sideboard these out for Blood Moon and Leyline of Punishment once I get them.