Controlled Burn

Modern NimRod_25


Jamesfurrow says... #1

My question for you is how competitive are you and your friends? Because that is something to factor in deck building. Because to make a deck that gets the awnsers your friends cant awnser is no fun but at the same time they should work for their wins too. Based on that awnser i can give some suggestions and if their is a budget let me know so i dont give cards that are way out of your wallets reach

July 31, 2014 9:42 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #2

We are fairly competitive. I'll start by saying my #1 deck is a Gruul Zoo deck. It pretty much ends my friends by turn 3 or 4 consistently. This Izzet is something I want to keep them working, but not hate playing against like my Zoo. Budget isn't a huge problem for me. So whatever you suggest I'll consider strongly.

July 31, 2014 9:50 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #3

Ok blue red basics first Control spells vary with budget and hopes of the deck so heres a few Mana Leak hard counters a lot more than you think because who keeps 3 mana open unless agaisnt another blue deck? Remand well its remand gotta love it Spell Pierce is also a strong control spell. Izzet Charm extreamely versitile but dont over rely on it. Red loves to burn and destroy stuff so Lightning Bolt is your strongest spell ever for red. Magma Jet is a personal favorite because hurt you or a creature then scry 2 um yes please. Skullcrack deals well with lifegain decks and also makes sure your guttersnipe will trigger and harm the opponent. Searing Spear and Lightning Strike are good seconds if you still want to target creatures. Rift Bolt is a Lightning Bolt you wait a turn to trigger with suspense.

Now mechanics of the deck should get those spells very quickly.

Draw spells are your best friend in this situation your going to want Serum Visions and i like this card because it helps move the deck while keeping your hand full

Uncovered Clues does a great job at this as well.

Electrolyze will do the job of both burn and draw amazingly

So izzet is basically a draw deck ( really strong draw) with some heavy hitting burn spells while your creatures benefit from both

July 31, 2014 10:06 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #4

I apologize for my comment being so long NimRod_25 but i wanted to hit the majority of cards a competitive izzet would ussually incorperate. But of course you can go more casual and creature bsed and sorts but this kind of deck is mostly instant heavy with ways of constantly making sure it has more spells to play. Also if you have a specific way you want to see your deck play let me know and ill look into finding cards for that criteria

July 31, 2014 10:21 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #5

Jamesfurrow thank you for the suggestions. I wish I could just fit all these cards into this deck. I am already using Electrolyze for the burn/draw combo. I know Blue is a control-heavy colour, but that is ironically my least favourite aspect of the colour, so I'm not trying to play heavy counter spells. A play set of maybe 2 strong counters would be more than enough for me. This means spells like Spell Pierce that don't allow me to counter any kind of spell I'm going to avoid. Izzet Charm is very cool, though like you said, not going to overly rely on it. Maybe a sideboard option for me.

I LOVE Lightning Bolt and this is the first deck I've built with red in it that doesn't run Bolts. I opted for Brimstone Volley because with Goblin Electromancer I can potentially make it cost 1R AND deal 5 with Morbid. I know these circumstances are very situational, but this is only a casual deck in the end. Searing Spear I'm strongly considering replacing Pillar of Flame because of it's higher damage and it's just faster. The only major problem i have with these suggestions is where you say Rift Bolt is a Lightning Bolt you wait a turn to trigger. First, it's a sorcery, so it's already slower than Bolt, then you give your opponent(s) the chance to prep for it. With so much temporary exile in white and bounce spells in blue, this isn't ideal in my opinion.

Serum Visions is a strong consideration to replace Think Twice but I do like how flashback works with Guttersnipe , I already plan to replace my Dissipate set with a set of Dissolve to get some Scry.

Thank you very much for the suggestions. You have given me a lot to think about here. I'll play around with these ideas for sure and update my deck once I can play test it a bit.

July 31, 2014 10:47 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #6

Flash back is not a major concern when running Snapcaster Mage . Your deck does need some counter spells but not a lot. At most 6 if your not going to be counter heavy but burning the opponent. I would use Mana Leak because you can counter any spell unless they have the mana for it. Its cheap and its very versitile. And ik Rift Bolt you wait for with suspend but your running electromancer to make it cheaper. Im not saying my suggestions have to go in but if your friends are competitive then you need some of the stronger spells because once the realize electromancer the bigger threat and take him out your deck will significantly slow down and they can out pace you

August 1, 2014 2:53 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #7

I see your point. But there are spells I use the Snapcaster Mage for primarily. If I can double cast Think Twice without using up a snapcaster it helps when I want to double up on a burn spell. You make a persuasive argument about Mana Leak and I might run 2 along with my 4x Dissolve just to have the extra counter spells. I'm on the fence with Rift Bolt but I will not overlook it. I'll play test with and without it and see the difference. Thank you Jamesfurrow

August 2, 2014 10:12 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #8

I recently found Gitaxian Probe and this bad boy is amazing because it lets you know what to look for with your counter spells and it replenishes itself with a draw! And you can spend no mana but 2 life instead. This card is everything blue wants because it keeps your mana open while giving you awnsers and knowledge. Also consider dropping Dissolve for either Syncopate because its jist a nice card and it lowers your curve more often. You would also in my opinion benefit from having Bonfire of the Damned because that card is nuts miracle cast or not. And if you your electromancers out then its even better

August 5, 2014 10:45 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #9

I like the look of Gitaxian Probe . Very useful sounding. It might be a solid alternative for Think Twice . Syncopate would be crazy powerful with a couple of my Electromancers on the board. As for Bonfire of the Damned I will try replacing Devil's Play with it. But even if I can cast it for its miracle cost then it's only as good as Devil's Play, otherwise it's only doing half the damage. And I can cast Devil's Play from the graveyard too.

August 6, 2014 12:38 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #10

Bonfire of the Damned is a board wipe card that also damages the opponent.. It loses flashback but it does more than Devil's Play

August 6, 2014 10:54 a.m.

NimRod_25 says... #11

Wow. My bad. Totally misread it as just target player or creature.

August 6, 2014 12:58 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #12

Lol it happens man no worries i hope it proves to be useful

August 6, 2014 1:28 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #13

So how has playtesting this deck gone NimRod_25? I recently took my deck to an fnm and i posted my results if you would like to take a look and see how i can fix it up some more. Ive done some selftweaking so far and i think i would need some people looking over it to help it out more

August 9, 2014 11:08 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #14

Jamesfurrow my playtests last week went decent. It stood up to mono-white soldiers, a pod deck, and Eldrazi, My biggest problems were with my drawing, The games I lost I either drew no land or only land, shuffling issues. I've since changed a couple minor things and dropped my curve down allowing me to run a few less land so I need to take this out to an fnm to see how she runs.

August 10, 2014 2:06 a.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #15

NimRod_25 glad to hear she's working well and I hope you do well at your Fnm with it. The best thing is to see your home brew become a real contender at a tourny

August 10, 2014 3:18 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #16

Some ways I think that can help improve this deck are to add a full set of Serum Visions . You may also want some more burn in the deck as well (it may drop your curve a bit more even though it's still at a good curve). You can probably drop 2 of your Reverberate 's for the other 2 Serum Visions .

I also read some of the old comments from your deck, and I think Jamesfurrow has really helped a lot with improving your deck. His deck "Izzet" modern ready? is a very good build of a U/R Modern deck!

I did however notice that he had suggested Lightning Strike or Searing Spear as second good burn spells (which they really are). However, I think Incinerate is much than both since it's the same thing, just that if you target a Creature; it can't be Regenerated (just wanted to point that out).

You also mentioned that when you had Goblin Electromancer in the deck; you ran Brimstone Volley to potentially deal 5 damage for R. By using Serum Visions and Magma Jet 's Scry, you can use Thunderous Wrath as a 2 of. Cast it for it's Miracle cost and it's 5 damage for R!

I also like the Fling and Wee Dragonauts combo!

Lastly, I'd like to suggest Browbeat ! I think it's a great card as it deals either 5 damage or draws you 3 cards. These are both options you want to have in this kind of deck. Even though it's 2R CMC and your opponent probably won't make the choice that you want them too; it'll work in your favor anyway as they'll either take a lot of damage or you'll draw cards and might draw some more burn to equal the 5 damage they didn't take! So either way; it's a win/win situation and that's why I love the card!

+1 for the deck! Feel free to check out my deck Izzet Working? for some suggestions, and tips!

August 20, 2014 6:10 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #17

IzzetGod thanks a lot for the suggestions. I do want to put in a full set of Serum Visions I just haven't had luck finding more than the 2 I have in the deck. They sell like hot cakes in every shop here. What I like about Reverberate is that they are basically another playset of bolts or the double up a Fling + Wee Dragonauts (ran this combo a while back, only I was using Kiln Fiend . The Dragonauts are just better for it). It's won me several games already, and I swapping in another card will throw off consistency.

I really like the idea of Browbeat I just need to find a good place for it while not updating my curve.Thunderous Wrath will be a side board card if I use it most likely.

Thanks for the suggestions and the upvote. I'll add in the cousins ASAP, and I'm looking at some incinerates right now trying fit them in.

August 20, 2014 7:06 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #18

Wow. Phone autocorrected. Meant to say without upsetting my curve, and I'll add in the visions ASAP,

August 20, 2014 7:10 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #19

Wow the deck changed a lot since i last saw it and i definitly seems much more modern ready for the changes youve done. Though how does it fair agaisnt token or pod?

August 20, 2014 9:17 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #20

It doesn't have any board wipes for token since I dropped the Cyclonic Rift s and Mizzium Mortars from the main deck. But if I side in the rifts I can draw them out quick enough to deal with tokens. Pod isn't as much of a problem since I'm usually delaying the first couple turns, then by turn 5 or 6 I can swing for lethal through the air and/or directly. It's not always a win, but I win more than I lose in casual play against my buddies illegal pod deck. My biggest issue is the open board first 2 turns. But I'm playing just enough control and more than enough direct damage to keep my opponent's board from overwhelming me.

August 20, 2014 10:59 p.m.

Jamesfurrow says... #21

Intresting you would use rift when Anger of the Gods would permanitly kill most threats your see on the feild. So my question is with so many creatures in the sideboard how do you get the soecific awnsers to decks that simply hate on creatures? Im talking usa control using their virdects and angers t cleam the slate. The idea of so many creatures in that situation for the sideboard would be ill planmed when the sideboard is to have awnsers for a little bit of everything. Like keranos makes sence because agaisnt control decks if he lands hes going to win you the game through bolting the opponent. The sideboard needs more sorcieries or instants that interact. Od suggest getting 2-3 Counterflux in the sideboard ASAP becuse of control match ups and storm for its overload. Also think you might need Sowing Salt as a1-2 kf for tri color decks or tron decks becausse it really really screws their mana. If nit salt then Blood Moon . Might also want either 2 Spell Pierce or Spell Snare because if a red deck win pierce does wonders while snare says no to a lotttttt of modern cards and can be a potential mainboard card. Maybe you can use Ratchet Bomb apbecause at 0 counters it killes delver flipped and tokens and any other flipped creature like huntmaster for jund. But thats what i can think of at the mokent

August 20, 2014 11:13 p.m.

NimRod_25 says... #22

Anger manages to kill a lot of threats, but also kills every one of my creatures. So if I draw it mid game or later it wipes out my threats too. I'll play test it and see if it helps or harms. My board is creature heavy but I am in the process of changing that. If Blood Moon weren't so pricey I'd have it already. Thank you for all the suggestions.

August 20, 2014 11:31 p.m.

IzzetGod says... #23

The way your Lands are; Blood Moon would also hurt you by leaving you with 3 Islands. By adding in Blood Moon You may want too drop some of the Duel Lands and add more Basics (the only reason Sulfur Falls is my only Duel Land in my deck is because of Blood Moon in my Sideboard.

August 21, 2014 7:38 a.m.

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