Have you been looking for a new fun, competitive standard deck? Tired of Temur Energy and U/B Control OWNING your FNMs? Then look no further!
Mono Black Control:
I am working on a fun COMPETITIVE brew for this IXA standard season. I have never been one to enjoy meta-shaping net decks. I have no issues with net-decks however, and believe they are a necessary evil in order to create a meta. I wanted something that was a bit different. We need to be in a place that doesn't scoop game 1 to Energy AND at the same time Control. We can then go into our tool box and board in full hate to either deck. I have been play testing this list a lot and now have a pretty good idea of its power level. It's definitely FNM competetive. My goal is to make this GP/PPTQ competetive. Looking for suggestions, recomendations, or to answer questions with people who are working this list on their own. Please +1 Upvote and comment -- and let's shake up standard a little.
About the Deck:
This list is trying to beat the current meta. It's control heavy that outlasts and outdoes your opponent in the long game. At the beginning your plan is to trade 1 for 1 with their small creatures and your removal.Hate hate hate. Just ruin everything they are working on and steal their plan with Gonti, Lord of Luxury. Don't be afraid to wipe your board for the greater good. You can just bring things back later with Liliana, Death's Majesty.
Where I need Help:
I want to know if there are any other value-lands that I should be playing. Similarly, I LOVE surprise, forgotten by most, creatures/spells. If anyone has any thoughts on obscure secret tech it is GREATLY appreciated and worth letting me know! Thanks!
10/16/2017: Updated the list a little bit. Worked the mana base around a bit - particularly removing 2x Swamps.
10/18/2017: 3-2 MTGO, Competetive League - Lost to U/W Approach and U/B Control. Sadboys.