
Enchantment (1)

Instant (1)

They are the masters of your mind

If you like esper control filled with pet cards, stax, removal, and combos, then you're in luck.

Counter spells with Disallow, wipe the board with Merciless Eviction, use Demonic Tutor to fetch combo pieces or a big finisher, then win however you see fit.

Win Cons

There are two infinite combos in the deck, the Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood loop that just needs one point of damage to trigger, and Altar of Dementia + Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion . For the second combo, sac any other creature to Altar of Dementia to mill an opponent. Teysa, Orzhov Scion sees the creature die, triggering her ability making a spirit which is now black because of Darkest Hour. Sac this to repeat this infinitely.

Another way to win is just with one of the finishers, such as Azor, the Lawbringer, Nezahal, Primal Tide, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Awoken Horror and Arvinox, the Mind Flail.

Controlling the board

Use counterspells such as Cryptic Command to stop dangerous spells and recur them with Snapcaster Mage or Torrential Gearhulk, cast boardwipes like Wrath of God, kill spells like Swords to Plowshares, tap effects like tamiyo, moon sage, or bounce the whole board with a good old Cyclonic Rift. Slow down your opponents attacks with Propaganda and Ghostly Prison, ramp up with Smothering Tithe, stop card draw with Narset, Parter of Veils, and kill off pesky creatures with Ob Nixilis Reignited


Use artifacts like Chromatic Lantern and Sol Ring to ramp up, or steal your opponent's with Thada Adel, Acquisitor, and use card draw like Ponder, Brainstorm and Fact or Fiction, tutors such as Demonic Tutor and top deck filters like Search for Azcanta   and Sensei's Divining Top to smooth out your game.

The Rest

Celestial Dawn works amazing with Senn Triplets to play out of your opponents hand, Gonti, Lord of Luxury lets you play from the top of their deck, Vedalken Orrery opens up your turns, Teferi's Protection can save you from a sudden load of damage, Bribery lets you steal their big creatures and Isochron Scepter lets you cast cheap instants repeatedly for insane value


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97% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.54
Tokens Emblem Jace, Unraveler of Secrets, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Emblem Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Shark X/X U, Spirit 1/1 W, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure
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