
So, here we go.

    I saw Whisperwood Elemental and got excite for this upcoming set in the Khans Block. At first I originally started building around the Elemental and basing the entire deck around it. Not too shabby, but not shabby enough for me. I decided to go U/G and try a sort of surprise Elemental Tribal with Whisperwood Elemental, Vortex Elemental, Master of Waves, and the new Torrent Elemental coming out with FRF. But, after disposing of that idea because I couldn't fit Master of Pearls into the shell of U/G.... this deck was born! Lets get into it.

So, the core priority of this deck is to beat the opponent play for play, and create a pseudo board standstill whilst you can still use activated abilities to further your board-state or answer opposing threats while still applying pressure. The key proprietor in this would be the previously un-mainboardable Eidolon of Rhetoric.


Whisperwood Elemental: The way I use this is different than most. It's used as a utility/enabler for a deck that doesn't NEED manifest to win. Surprise surprise Whisperwood into a Vortex Elemental and shuffle any blocked creature into the opponents library and then Manifest into another Vortex!

Master of Pearls: Hmm. To a deck non reliant on Manifest a vanilla 2/2, meh. Add in the late game pumping potential in a creature based deck.... I'll take it! Anger of the Gods? Nah, Pearls mofo.

Eidolon of Rhetoric: Bomb. a 1/4 body which means aggro can go away and aww... everyone can only play on spell per turn. The sadness. Well, I'm surely glad this deck is based around abilities that don't need to be cast. It's a stop to your opponent for at least one turn, and also a removal spell magnet... that is if they're playing any. (rare)

Vortex Elemental: Strongly overlooked until manifest came out annnnd still strongly overlooked. I'm a sucker for cards that have an early game, and have a later game when you're running out of stuff to do. (Plus, you get to here the opponent groan on T1 if you play this.)

Elvish Mystic: Obvious mana-accelerator.

Sylvan Caryatid: Same as Mystic except applies any color I so choose.

Dromoka, the Eternal: Makes anything with the lowest toughness bulk up, while being a dragon 5/5 beater for 5. Sure, taking this one too. One of for same reason as Ephara.

Hooded Hydra: For obvious synergies with Whisperwood Elemental. It's not even really a choice. Also, synergy with Dromaka.

Fleecemane Lion: Activated ability, win-con on it's own. Again, come right into the Bant zoo my friend.

Prophet of Kruphix: I know there should be more than a one of in here of this... but I know how great the card is... it just has a tendency to not come at key moments for me. Which is why in this build it isn't essential, but I'd smile if I drew it.


Kiora, the Crashing Wave: Self-explanatory. In a deck meant to set up, it allows her to; she's damage mitigation, draw power, and a win-con.

Jace, the Living Guildpact: Lots of people didn't like him when he came out. I believe he has his place in disruption and control. He comes in with great loyalty and he sets up draw and gets rid of card you don't need to fuel your later delve spells because you're playing blue. Don't discount the ability to bounce a Manifest if needed.

Ajani Steadfast: Support, support? Protection. Helps deal damage and gain life, and pumps Walkers and my Creatures.

Ajani, Mentor of Heroes: Helps your find walkers, creatures, take out cards you don't want manifested when they can be manifested. And more counters.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion: I think everyone knows why Elspeth would be in here.... wincon on her own.

Instants: (so many of them)

Reality Shift: This card is just nuts. I don't even have to explain. One of because I have more in board for a matchup that calls for more.

Dig Through Time: It's DTT....I like it better than Treasure Cruise because it recycles unneeded cards just like Ajani.


End Hostilities: One of because there is a time where G1 I will need to clear the board despite having a creature heavy base. A bailout world spell if I'm getting 'rekt'.

Write into Being: This is a great common. I like it because you get a body, but also set up next turn or setup which card tricks the opponent. Put that land you found onto the battlefield and make that opponent think you have a 2 mana Hooded Hydra coming. Little did they know that Whisperwood Elemental is going to manifest that Hydra that you put back onto the top with WIB at the end of turn.....


Monastery Siege: I like this card for the situational aspect of it. Draw power and fueling delve when I feel I need advantage in that field, or protection when I feel like I have a solid boardstate and can last if only they didn't want to target my shizz.

I spent a while on the mana base and I'm very confident about it. I feel as if this deck has many-a-synergies inside of it and would love to play it in Standard when the set releases. Constructive criticism wanted!



Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 3 Rares

6 - 9 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Emblem Ajani Steadfast, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Kraken 9/9 U, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Snake 1/1 G, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Cool Decks STD
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