

This deck can win with multiple strategies and has a sort of second commander in Teysa, Orzhov Scion . Give it a +1 if you liked it!!! Or feel free to comment and leave suggestions.

One strategy is obviously to fill the board with cheap but important creatures, that along with Athreos, God of Passage can keep coming back unless your opponent likes taking 3 every time one dies.

Everyone here serves a purpose:

Life gain from Soul Warden and Suture Priest is nice plus very fun with cards like Lingering Souls, 3 mana for 2 tokens and 2 life, flashback 2 more life.Speaking tokens, cards Like Ophiomancer guarantee a nice deathtouch snake that keeps coming back and triggering more life gain with Soul Warden or Suture Priest out. Also Spirit Bonds is a nice play(especially with so many cheap creatures to play), pay get a spirit and gain a life if you have Warden or the Priest out. Thraben Doomsayer is another one, tap for a human and gain a life.

Lets not forget Reanimation, another way to abuse Soul Warden and Suture Priest and of course get those precious creatures back (even if your opponent decides to pay 3 life). cards like Reanimate and Unearth are obvious and cheap recursion but cards like Return to the Ranks and Victimize are great here as well. This along with Buried Alive is a great play. Put what you need in the graveyard then retrieve it.

Now if beating your opponent with creatures that keep coming back and life gain aren't enough you can always keep them busy with that until you can utilize this decks second commander Teysa, Orzhov Scion .

The strategy here is pretty simple. Tesya plus any sac outlet, (Altar of Dementia and Blasting Station are my favorites) plus Darkest Hour equals good times.Here's an example:

Blasting Station + Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion

Now here if you have these out in play sac any other creature to Blasting Station dealing 1 (colorless, so protection from colors wont save you here) damage to creature or player and since its always a black creature thanks to Darkest Hour that triggers Teysa getting a now black spirit token and untapping Blasting Station (also triggering that life gain we talked about earlier if you have Warden or Priest still out)Now just keep sacrificing that token and pinging for 1 until they or all of there creatures are dead( and even gain infinite life)Now having Blood Artist out will also ping them for 1 every time you sac that token. Like I said everyone serves a purpose.

Now if milling out your opponent is more your style then:

Altar of Dementia + Darkest Hour + Teysa, Orzhov Scion

This is just as much fun, same process here just instead of pinging them to death you mill them out by sacrificing infinite tokens to Altar.

All this talk of sacrificing brings me to the next fun strategy this deck offers. Death can be very beneficial.With all those tokens dying why not make their deaths more meaningful with Twilight Drover. If he happens to be out on the field while this token massacre is going on he just sits there gaining infinite counters. Now with a card like Phyrexian Altar you can have all the mana you need to remove those counters and create an infinite amount of spirits. One of my favorite combos not infinite but still very good even without Tesya or Darkest Hour:

Ashnod's Altar + Twilight Drover

If you have any open, sac a creature to Dementia, put a counter on Drover, you now have free mana. Just pay only one and that free to remove a counter and add two more tokens. Repeat until you have no more mana open. Its basically 1 mana for two creatures. (also triggers life gain)

One key sacrificing note here:If at anytime your creatures are about to be exiled and you have a sac outlet in play just sac them to keep them in the graveyard. Having Athreos out comes in handy as well if your opponent thought they'd get around his ability.

Now this deck also has some more creatures that can be used to set off even more great things.

Skirsdag High Priest, why not get a 5/5 flyer when something dies, something is always dying here anyways

Xathrid Necromancer, with all the humans here its basically a free zombie generator

Champion of the Parish , good with all these humans you have he can become a big threat easily(especially with Thraben Doomsayer constantly making humans to trigger Champion)

Bloodsoaked Champion, just keeps coming back, good when paired with Xathrid

High Priest of Penance , nobody wants to block or burn this guy ever, for fear of removal

Sunstrike Legionnaire , tap down those annyoing blockers, works well with all those tokens coming into play, he just keeps untapping

Mother of Runes, protect those precious combo piece creatures or just guarantee an unblocked attack. I like doing this with Athreos.

Grand Abolisher, not having to worry about being countered or being interrupted is always nice

Mentor of the Meek, with so many creatures coming into the game this is a nice 1 mana draw utility

Cartel Aristocrat, a good sac outlet in her own way, Can become become protected from all five colors in on turn.

Viscera Seer, also a good sac outlet that can become infinite scry to hunt for those key pieces


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years
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This deck is Tiny Leaders legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 3 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 50
Avg. CMC 2.09
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Human 1/1 W, Snake 1/1 B, Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Ideas, Tiny Leaders, other's decks, Tiny, Priority, Tiny Leaders, TL, Try These Tiny Leader Decks
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