So I finally piloted this deck through an FNM. I was extremely happy with how it performed. I took all of my matches except the last one. I was pitted against the g/f's new g/w devotion deck that I spent all week playing. Since I lost many of my practice matches against her, I just conceded to a 1-2 victory in her favor. It landed me in second place, but more importantly, the deck out performed many of the other decks there. My first match up was a Mardu deck, I just swarmed him game one, and then game 2, he almost inched out a victory, but Eidolon of the Great Revel and Purphoros, God of the Forge + Hordeling Outburst brought me victory.
My second match up was against a green deck. I don't really recall any details, as I burned my opponent out faster than he could do anything. It was a straight 2-0 victory for me.
My third match up was against a G/W deck, but he got land flooded both games, I sided in the Stormbreath Dragons but it didn't help that I forgot he had protection from white as he keep using the white khans/dragon card to tap down my dragon. In hindsight, my match would have gone much faster. I still pulled out a 2-0 victory on that game.
My finally match up was with the g/f and I spent all week play-testing her new deck with her, a variant of the G/W devotion/manifest deck. The deck is beastly and gains tons of life while ramping through manifested creatures and lands. In short, if I don't get the game fast, she wins by attrition. Since it was pre-release night, I figured we'd skip the play and grab some food before pre-release. So she took a 2-1 victory.
Overall the deck performed well, and my sideboard changes made me happy. I am currently debating dropping the Shatter and a few other cards in light of DTK, but more on that later. Thanks all for reading. Hope everyone did well at pre-release.