Standard Knuckleblade (or Savage Knucklebudget)

Standard* Phelgming


Vasagi says... #1

My biggest suggestion would be to back out of the blue, and lean more into the red or green. The trouble with throwing counters into an aggro deck is that you're trying to be on the offensive - tapping out to kill the opponent - which doesn't leave open lands open for countering. You'd rather be tapping out for a big crater's claws than sitting back to dissipate something.

Stubborn Denial is great - for a counter, especially when you're going to be at ferocious most of the time is awesome. Temur Charm pulls multi-duty for removal/counter/big swing. You've got that covered and don't need Dissipate which is tough with . Use those slots for more burn, like Wild Slash or more mana ramp like Elvish Mystic. You don't need to dissipate stormbreaths or rhinos when you've got Temur Charm and just about any of your 4-power beasties on the field. Just give a knuckleblade +1/+1 and fight, then swing with it as a 5/5.

Not a fan of boarding Barrage of Boulders. I get the counter for the token tactic, but 3 mana is hefty - especially since you've already got Temur Charm to let you charge in. Maybe Scouring Sands, which nets you a scry. Another fun red vs tokens is Circle of Flame. It's a cheap, underused permanent that makes playing that Goblin Rabblemaster really unappetizing for the opponent. Only downside is that it's purely defensive - it only stymies a token swarm - it won't help your guys get through. At least until you draw a Temur Charm or Surrak Dragonclaw down the road.

April 21, 2015 3:37 p.m.

JakeKita says... #2

Why Anticipate in sideboard?

April 21, 2015 7:12 p.m.

Phelgming says... #3

@ Vasagi:

You've given me a lot to think about. Lots of good advice and some nice suggestions.

The only thing I won't consider is the Wild Slash. It just does too little for my budget. A $1 card needs to do more for this deck than spot removal for minor threats or slight damage to my opponent. Were it not so expensive, I'd have found space for it already as it is worth playing for some things.

The only issue is that Dissipate is the only hit-all, hard counter in the deck (and Dissolve costs too much for too similar of an effect) and I need that for certain threats (namely the Dragonlords which can mostly play around Temur Charm's tax in their respective deck's) or else I run the risk of getting trounced. Otherwise I think I can swap out a Dissipate for the fourth Temur Charm. Thinking about it now, Temur Charm does an awful lot for this deck. It may even do enough to warrant me just ignoring stuff like Barrage of Boulders and Scouring Sands now that I think of it (I've never had it in a position where it's third mode would help; I only now realize its usefulness in this regard).

Speaking of, I actually had to choose between Scouring Sands and Barrage of Boulders. The deciding factor was that Barrage of Boulders also let me push past larger threats (really useful against GR Devotion and the like). Scouring Sands might be a cheaper answer to tokens, but if I'm facing an oppressive board state, it won't be able to eek out a win for me. Either way, it may be something I consider again.

Circle of Flame is a funny card. If it weren't so defensive, I'd use it. I do still like it, though.

Finally, Elvish Mystic was a part of my original build (circa early FRF). After suggestions to remove it and some testing, I found it to be really lackluster. All it did was help get a Boon Satyr out early or help fuel Savage Knuckleblade's abilities. That was, however, before the two Surraks were added. I will revisit it and see what it does, but I fear I may not be able to find a place for it (although I wouldn't entirely mind removing the Rattleclaw Mystics for it).

@ JakeKita:

It's a good card. Honestly, though, I don't really know yet. My testing hasn't reached a conclusion. The theory is that it can help me keep my fuel up a little against control by digging past my lands while also leaving mana up for counters.

April 21, 2015 9:07 p.m.

Nikahol says... #4

Ill try to keep your deck in budget while making it as competetive as possible.

Run more lands. This is the most common problem I see begginers making in theirdeckbuilding, people almost always run a few lands too little. Considering your curve 25 is about right.

Surrak, the Hunt caller should be a 4 of he is just that good.

Flamewake pheonix is great and you can trigger the recursion quite often considering the amount of 4+ power creatures you have.

I would take out dissipate and temur charm. This is somewhat contraversial,but running a full countersuite in an aggro deck limits you to your playstyle.That being said add another stubborn denial. Its a great tempo swing.

Scouring sands out no question it doesnt belong here or in any decks really.Unless 90% of your meta is token based.

Other than that I think this works well for a budget deck, if you wereto want to pay more for a temur aggro the first cards to look at would beStormbreath dragon and Thunderbreak Regent.

Tell me what you think about these changes to the main board.

April 23, 2015 5:48 a.m.

Nikahol says... #5

Woops sorry didnt see you were playing rattleclaws. in that case 23 lands should be fine

April 23, 2015 5:52 a.m.

Phelgming says... #7

Please don't assume that I'm a beginner and that I don't know what I'm doing just because I've only recently started playing Magic competitively. I've been playing casually for close to four years now and have been a pretty active player at several LGS as well as within my own group of friends and have even taken part in various, unofficial events with moderate to great success.

The suggestion to add land is one I'm surprised I haven't gotten yet. It's one I've been considering for a while now just because this deck is pretty awful when it mulligans and for a while I've considered adding another land, but it's difficult for me to make that call. At the very least I will test it out.

The thing with Surrak, the Hunt Caller is I've had him be a dead draw WAY more times than I find acceptable as is simply because I can already have one on the field pretty often and my opponents tend to have a hard time removing him (specifically because this deck can protect its threats so well). Adding another would only make this worse.

Flamewake Phoenix has been a card I've wanted to add to this deck since its inception. Now it's price has dipped to a comfortable level, but the meta in general is just full of bigger, scarier fliers that would have no problem chewing it up and spitting it out every turn (that and flying hate has also increased). I'm still considering it, but I need to see how my meta balances out first.

The thing about this deck is that it's decidedly not aggro. It doesn't have the ramp nor the big, evasive beaters (until Surrak Dragonclaw hits and a 5-drop without its own evasion isn't what an aggro deck wants) to be an aggro deck. It's very much a midrange deck that focuses on getting early to mid game advantage then aims to protect its threats for the long haul while trying to deny an opponent their threats. For that to work, counter spells are imperative (Stubborn Denial being the best for protection, Temur Charm also allowing for removal while acting as a win-enabler, and Dissipate being a necessary hard counter for those odd cases). They're also made better by the presence of threats like Boon Satyr and Surrak Dragonclaw.

The Scouring Sands isn't meant to be in the main board (neither is the Elvish Mystic). It's supposed to be in the maybeboard.

I do not plan to spend that much money on this deck. I apologize, but I do not appreciate the suggestions of Stormbreath Dragon and Thunderbreak Regent. I understand where you're coming from, but I explicitly stated I did not want these types of expensive suggestions. In addition, I am already aware of their power level and would not need the suggestion if I did not have a budget to worry about as I'd have already included them.

In regards to your other suggestions, thank you very much. I will definitely be considering some of them.

April 23, 2015 11:11 a.m.

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