Mother of Dragons

Commander / EDH MxStoneheart


MxStoneheart says... #1

Played last night at our local game shop and, while I still lost, this was the first loss I felt I could completely blame on my playing and not the deck itself. I kept confusing what effects were on which enemies, and thus not attacking when I really could have. Lost to an infect deck, but it was still a very fun game all around. I think this deck is pretty solid at this point, though I haven't updated the decklist (yet) to reflect the changes. That'll come soon.

June 2, 2018 10:43 a.m.

MxStoneheart says... #2

Still a little bit short on mana ramp, but doing a lot better! I actually managed to win a game, though barely... got lucky with a Cryptic Command cast for free via Intet, the Dreamer taking out blockers so I could smash face with commander damage.

June 13, 2018 2:07 p.m.

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