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Tymaret, the Burger King

Commander / EDH*



Creature (1)

Always wanted a herp-derp deck for my collection. This weird little Aggro build feels a lot like a Limited deck with a bunch of low-curve nonsense.

The underlying philosophy is an exercise in understanding how to invest in creatures. Although he eventually turns them into meaty little 2-damage sliders, our Burger King turns all of our creatures into investments. These investments individually can be calculated for their return in damage output, which is "X + 2," where X is the amount of damage they've been able to accumulated on a player in combat, and 2 is the amount of damage I will usually be getting due to Tymaret's ability.

With a great selection of card advantage dorks like Squee, Gravecrawler, and Reassembling Skeleton, their recyclability provides a significant recurrable stream of damage.

Suggestions welcome. Still working on tuning this deck, focusing primarily on lowering the curve while upping the creature power and card advantage.


Updates Add

The new playgroup means I need to make some changes. Looking forward to shifting this towards 2DH, a budget alternative format where all the cards in the deck must cost less than $2.

Also, got my Tymaret altered, courtesy of kinghonkey. Much Thanks! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM8Vh0jUYAAoX4l.jpg:large


Revision 8 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Altar's Reap main
+1 Ash Barrens main
-1 Ashenmoor Liege main
-1 Backlash main
-1 Blazing Specter main
-1 Blood Cryptfoil main
-1 Bloodstained Mire main
-1 Cauldron Dance main
+1 Chaos Warp main
+1 Combat Celebrant main
+1 Command Tower main
+1 Dark Confidant main
+1 Dark Impostor main
+1 Dawn of the Dead main
-1 Delirium main
-1 Demonic Collusion main
+1 Demonic Tutor main
+1 Dictate of the Twin Gods main
+1 Dread Return main
+1 Entomb main
and 60 other change(s)