Went 6-2 overall and took First place after a solid run through the top 8.
Rd 1 vs Jund Aggro: 0-2
Game 1 was close, but couldn't quite pull it off. Game 2 was a mulligan to 5 (IIRC) and never really got going.
Rd 2 vs Sultai Eldrazi: 2-0
Nothing really significant to report here. Possibly my quickest match of the night. Nice dude and everything, but the deck needed a lot of work.
Rd 3 vs G/W Megamorph: 0-2
Both games were ones where my hand never lined up well. I wouldn't have the relevant removal when I needed it and plays I could make were just not impactful. I also never saw Anafenza. I don't think the match is bad, but drawing the wrong half of the deck doesn't help. Also I feel I sideboarded poorly in the match for game 2 (Languish probably would have been helpful...).
Rd 4 vs U/W Control: 2-0
Game 1 I was on the play and my opponent couldn't keep up with my hand. T2 Den Protector essentially got there. Game 2 was a little tougher being on the draw, but I had enough relevant things to do to quickly run him out of answers. Dispel to counter has Dig through time was a good time (I thought so anyway).
Rd 5 vs Esper Control: 2-0
This was the win and in round. It seemed like my opponent was on Chapin's list and I was on the draw both games. While the deck did pack more removal, the match wasn't too different from the U/W Control match in Rd 4 and I was simply able to keep dropping threats. Hangarback Walker was great in the match up as was Sorin.
Top 8-
Rd 6 vs Jund Aggro: 2-0
Rematch of the first round. Rhino, Anafenza, and Gideon did a great job shutting down his deck in game 1. Game 2 was a lot closer with him resolving 3 Thunderbreak Regents. Luckily I had removal to deal with everything. He also didn't have an answer for my Jace which was able to flashback 1x Utter End and 2x Abzan Charm which took care of the rest of his board.
Rd 7 vs Jund White: 2-0
This was primarily a Jund list with Rhino and Crackling Doom. Once again Anafenza proved why she should be in the main and Gideon was insane. Game 2 was pretty simple. Having access to the blue counter spells goes a long way against the R splash.
Rd 8 vs Abzan Red: 2-1
Game 1 he was a little tight on land and I was having a field day with Den Protector and Gideon. He scooped pretty quickly. Game 2 I took a mulligan, and kept a decent hand with 2 lands, Jace, Silkwrap, and a Hangarback. Didn't draw another land until around T5 or 6, and never saw a green source. Having to scoop with 2 Rhinos and 2 Abzan charms in hand hurts. Game 3 was a back and fourth, but a timely Dispel and Disdainful stroke kept him down on cards and without a rhino on board. Follow that up with 4 Rhinos on my side (drew 3, returned 1 w/ den protector) and that was game.
TL;DR: The addition of Anafenza and Gideon to the main board, while nothing new, seems to be what the deck needed. I'm not sure if I can tweak the mana base any more, but my losses seemed to come mostly from a combination of awkward hands and bad draws. The raw power in the deck is amazing and the more I play it, the more comfortable I feel, but it will still take some time to figure out what risks I can take with my opening hand.