Knowledge is Power

Standard EssTea


hylophobic says... #1

Voyage's End only bounces creatures

November 16, 2014 11:57 p.m.

EssTea says... #2

Ohh missed that thank you! And that makes me think... Peel from Reality could be better. Bouncing back the sphinx to protect him and bouncing back an opponen'ts creature at the same time. Pretty situational but hey, could still happen. I'm still considering if I really need a bounce to protect the sphinx, maybe I could just put it side board if I face Mardu or other shenanigans.

November 17, 2014 12:35 a.m.

gumbogogo says... #3

You can only cast Peel from Reality if you are able to return one of your creatures as well. Voyage's End is probably better. You've got counterspells for wraths anyway.

November 19, 2014 11:21 p.m.

EssTea says... #4

Are you sure about that gumbogogo? I think I read somewhere that if a spell is half illegal it does the most it can do. I'll go check that out though thanks.

November 19, 2014 11:35 p.m.

EssTea says... #6

Just checked that out and you're right gumbogogo. What's you're opinion on Negate vs Voyage's End ?

November 19, 2014 11:42 p.m.

gumbogogo says... #7

I think that's a good choice. I'm not a big fan of counterspells, but they tend to let you win more games. How do you feel about Villainous Wealth over Ascendancy? It's very good with AEtherspouts

November 20, 2014 12:58 a.m.

EssTea says... #8

Humm the combo seems very situational and high cost. The 3 sphinx and PLA are in my opinion all I need, no need for another win con. I have to admit villainous wealth is one of the most satisfying way to win a game though, but in the end its a lottery hype :p

November 20, 2014 1:37 a.m.

Redhorn says... #9

Id take out Murderous Cut and add another Perilous Vault. Imo you should save your delve for Dig Through Time. Also I think something like Voyage's End seems more situational and should be replaced with Thoughtseize. It just seems like itd be useless against aggro. Id take out the 3 lake ancients from the SB and put im some Stain the Minds. Seems like 3 creatures that expensive would be a waste. Nice deck though, I like the originality with the green.

November 20, 2014 10:50 p.m.

EssTea says... #10

Redhorn, all you've just said already ran through my mind, particularly the stain the mind SB. And you're right about murderous cut, I added that this morning but I was considering removing it. I'm still very resistant on thoughtseize in a no lifegain deck though. I know the argument : I'd rather take 2 life and take out their most important threat and blablabla, I know it, I understand it completely. The playtesting just did not support it. U/B already has a hard time against Jeskai Tempo, life points are precious in this format!

Despise? Dunno... probably still better than voyage's end though Redhorn

November 20, 2014 11:03 p.m.

EssTea says... #11

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that commented. I'm really starting to like what this deck is becoming. Not only is it competitive, I think it's original and has some sort of theme to it.

November 20, 2014 11:55 p.m.

EssTea says... #12

I'd like to squeeze in 1 more Sultai Ascendancy but can't decide on what to take out... Help appreciated!

November 21, 2014 12:07 a.m.

Redhorn says... #13

Maybe if youre set on another Sultai, take out Reaper of the wilds. Dont think it really help out deck too much.

November 21, 2014 12:15 a.m.

Redhorn says... #14

You should also add Negate to your sb. Really helps when your going against another control deck.

November 21, 2014 12:20 a.m.

EssTea says... #15

Yep good idea thanks

November 21, 2014 12:36 a.m.

EssTea says... #16

I meant good idea for negate. However I do not want to go down to less than 4 win con. I actually really like Reaper of the wilds though, it can force a big trade if need be, it blocks pretty much everything and kills pretty much everything.

November 21, 2014 12:46 a.m.

If you're going to splash green to play Sultai Ascendancy, you should play 3 of them.

November 23, 2014 8:33 a.m.

EssTea says... #22

Hey Fantastic_Mr_King, thanks for the comment! Here's my explanation on to why I do not think having more than one Sultai Ascendancy would be beneficial to the deck. Sultai Ascendancy is an awesome card for dredge decks that utilizes lots of delve, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Whip of Erebos shenanigans, or Empty the Pits for a win condition. However in a pure control deck like mine, overmilling really could happen as games go really long (in playtesting I went down as low as 15 cards). The fact is that you never want more than one Sultai Ascendancy in your hand, and having two on the board is pretty useless for the above reason.

It's easy to go overboard on a concept and lose competitivity. Thassa, God of the Sea and Sultai Ascendancy do not impact the board and will almost never be casted before the game stabilizes on my side of things. In a more creature based deck you can afford losing tempo when you have creatures protecting your face, but in a control deck its a killer. I think I managed to not go overboard on the knowledge concept...

In terms of probability, I consider Thassa and Sultai Ascendancy as one category. So I get the probability of two cards and do not get the diminishing returns of having 2 Sultai Ascendancies in hand/play.

Finally, do not get mistaken and think I sacrificed mana efficiency to play Sultai Ascendancy. Sultai Ascendancy or not I would still run these 12 temples for the scry, I could've splashed red and white too if you think about it. In no way have I built my mana base around the card.

I hope that makes it clear for you. If you still have arguments on to why I should run more than 1 Sultai Ascendancy I'll be very glad to hear them! Remember though that adding cards also means removing cards !

November 23, 2014 11:48 a.m.

You have 15 lands that ETB Tapped, which is a lot, even for a control deck. I would suggest maybe Radiant Fountain if you want the life gain.

November 23, 2014 12:16 p.m.

EssTea says... #24

HipsterPumpkin That does not answer the problem you just pointed out though as Radiant Fountain ETB tapped too. What do you suppose?

November 23, 2014 12:33 p.m.

gumbogogo says... #25

Radiant fountain doesn't enter tapped.

November 23, 2014 1:33 p.m.

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