Knowledge is Power

Standard EssTea


komp says... #1

Why all the comments get deleted? Was it due to people busting your bals over the whole "Game of Thrones" theme you were trying to give it? Because I see you dropped that now.

December 10, 2014 1:59 a.m.

syncronym says... #2

1st thing TheHroth its not the death touch that he is after from the Bow of Nylea its the life gain and returning 4 cards he is after.

now for what i really wanted to say.

the deck looks strong and seems to cover a lot of the bases for almost any match up in the meta but it looks like it might have a hard time with bigger threats when they hit the board so you might think about side boarding 2 AEtherspouts

Another thing if you don't mind checking out my sultai walker control deck link for it is Charming villains

January 4, 2015 10:33 p.m.

TheHroth says... #3


I mentionned deathtouch and its tap ability in the same paragraph, but I should have been more clear now that I read it over again.

While the abilities of the Bow are certainly useful, I think there are simply better things to be doing with both the mana available and the cards in the deck.

January 4, 2015 10:39 p.m.

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