The Dark Knight

Commander / EDH darkemoji


Last_Laugh says... #1

Look into Reconnaissance. This card allows you to attack with everyone and untap all of them at the most opportune time. The card is busted here.

Avoid bad blocks, check. After first strike damage but before normal combat damage, check. After normal combat damage is dealt during the middle of your end of combat step, check.

January 19, 2018 11:33 a.m.

darkemoji says... #2

Thank you! Looks good, I'll add it to the maybeboard

January 19, 2018 11:41 a.m.

justinspruiell says... #3

Coat of Arms could be good possibly better than door of destinies because you won't be casting all of those tokens. Also the Sanguine Bond combo is a cheap but effective way to win if you want to add that combo in.

January 19, 2018 12:36 p.m.

Deacfreak07 says... #4

You should look into Shared Animosity. It can lead to pretty explosive turns. I have done a lot of work on my Edgar Deck, and I love it. It's very aggro, and a pretty linear playstyle, but it might give you some ideas.

Edgard Markov Go Wide Vampires EDH

February 16, 2018 12:24 p.m.

darkemoji says... #5

Thanks for the input! Deacfreak07

February 16, 2018 4:07 p.m.

musicman3310 says... #6

Have you thought about adding the other Sorins? Sorin, Grim Nemesis for card advantage, Sorin, Solemn Visitor for more tokens, and finally Sorin Markov's ultimate for a big finish. They all gain you life as well of course.

May 3, 2018 9:22 a.m.

darkemoji says... #7

musicman3310 Yes I have! I feel like they are excellent additions to the deck. However, I have a bit of trouble deciding what to swap out for one of them and also I am worried about their high costs. That is why I stuck with Lord of Innistrad Sorin because he does what I want in his kit and costs only 4 mana. Thanks for the suggestion!

May 11, 2018 1 a.m.

BigBoyBeau says... #8

Got to love the Edgar Eminence! Hyper Markov does it too! How would you compare your deck to that?

August 17, 2018 3:12 p.m.

darkemoji says... #9

Hey bro BigBoyBeau, my deck focuses on having somewhat early game presence but performs better mid-to-late game (unlike yours). One of the important things I value in the deck is removal because it helps me get rid of my opponents' cards whenever necessary based on how they affect the state of board presence. I like how one of the themes of your deck is draining your opponents' life, even as a consequence for sacrificing or losing your own creatures, but mine leans more toward dealing face damage with large/pumped up vampires and making others sacrificing their creatures with Dictate of Erebos Butcher of Malakir if they ever mess with mine. Your deck looks fun to play as others have mentioned already but if you ever want to stray away from it with more stability and control, you should follow up with the comments posted on your Hyper Markov deck. Hope this answers your question

August 19, 2018 12:58 p.m.

Osbert says... #10

Curious why you aren't running Mirror Entity . It's basically a Craterhoof Behemoth but in white and even makes a vampire token on cast. I would take out Dark Imposter for it because Imposter's ability cost is not worth the effect.

Skullclamp is such a broken card in this deck that Steelshaper's Gift becomes a better Enlightened Tutor in a lot of situations. Mausoleum Secrets would be a fitting cut for it.

Sac outlets are good and the cheaper they are the better. I'd throw in Viscera Seer , Pitiless Pontiff , & Bloodthrone Vampire and take out Gifted Aetherborn, Falkenrath Aristocrat, and Mavren Fein Dusk.

Phyrexian Arena is a slow card that could be worth replacing with Dark Prophecy already found in your maybe list. Same CmC but you will draw WAY more cards off Prophecy.

If you want to play deeper into the aristocrats theme Pawn of Ulamog & Pitiless Plunderer are just houses of value that can also be part of an infinite combo involving looping Oathsworn Vampire while controlling a Blood Artist effect. Phyrexian Altar also fits in this loop but is prohibitively more expensive to purchase than the others. If you went this route I would remove Vona Butcher of Magan and maybe Olivia's Bloodsworn? Vona is clunky and high CmC and the Bloodsworn doesn't seem super useful given that none of your creatures will be particularly large and most of your mana will be spent deploying your forces and holding up interaction. It's still a useful effect just not very efficient.

March 15, 2021 1:41 p.m.

darkemoji says... #11

Osbert I really appreciate your feedback!

Mirror Entity will definitely be a great swap for Dark Impostor . This deck is quite old so I haven't been optimizing it as much as I should versus my other EDH decks.

Great reasoning on Steelshaper's Gift , however I still prefer Enlightened Tutor over it due to the tutor's access to enchantments as well.

I agree on this point since I tend to run out of gas quickly early on. I have since added Dark Prophecy to the deck. I will be replacing Phyrexian Arena with Necropotence somewhere in the future whenever I'm able to save up some cash for it.

I love the aristocrats theme so much that this deck used to be more centered around it. I've since kept a small sac/value package and may end up going deeper into that route when I make bigger changes. Thanks for that input!

Quick question, how do you feel about adding Smothering Tithe to the deck? I've been contemplating adding it back into the 99 due to how powerful it is, but I'm not sure if it's needed since the deck's average cmc is pretty low around <3.00.

March 15, 2021 2:53 p.m.

Osbert says... #12

Smothering Tithe is probably less needed than card draw in this type of deck but would still improve the deck overall. If you were running wheels like Wheel of Misfortune , Wheel of Fortune , Magus of the Wheel , etc. then Tithe would be a slam dunk.

March 15, 2021 3:08 p.m.

darkemoji says... #13

Osbert Apologies, I misread your reasoning with Steelshaper's Gift . Mausoleum Secrets is too efficient to take out for the sorcery. Maybe I'll find a spot somewhere else to swap for it. My bad!

March 15, 2021 3:10 p.m.

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