tyforthevenom says... #2
Voice in board and it's kiki pod, and the myr is a cantrip, as for snapcaster I can hit it's targets with peirce and they prefer not to use pyromancer because "it feels too much like aggro not tempo"
December 22, 2014 8:08 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #3
I don't think Mogis, God of Slaughter is a very good spell in Cruel Control, or even modern. I would much rather leave up the 4 mana for a counter spell, like Cryptic Command. That being said, up the number of Lightning Bolts to 4. You should really consider putting Snapcaster Mage back in the deck with at least 3 of them. He's too powerful to not include given all your instants and sorceries. Also, from playing my own Cruel Control deck, Keranos, God of Storms is better off in the sideboard. But that kind of depends on your meta. I think GlistenerAgent and bijschjdbcd are right on the Spell Snares. They're great counterspells and can counter some powerful spells. I think the deck would be better off with 2 Dig Through Times and then upping the number of Cryptic Commands to 3.
If you want some ideas, here is my Cruel Control deck that I've been playing for a little over 3 months or so: "Cruel Control Is Unplayable," They Said.
December 22, 2014 9:30 p.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #4
3 People like Snare. Need way say more about the necessity of this card.
December 23, 2014 12:01 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #5
mogis in this is just a second keranos, and keranos is a lock against anything creature based, with the number of instants and sorceries i have i don't need a 4th lightning bolt.... keranos becomes my 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th (you get the idea) Lightning Bolt and as i've said a couple of times now spell snare may be good on a more national scale but on my local scale pierce is better as there's only 3 targets that it doesn't hit that snare does, all 3 of those targets die easily
December 23, 2014 3:45 a.m.
my tip is for the title. I think a more fitting tile would be something like "Grixis control" Just a tip
December 23, 2014 1:34 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #8
Maybe 1x Izzet Charm could be 1x Dimir Charm. Having a counter that serves as removal as well is pretty nice.
December 23, 2014 2:12 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #11
I still think u need a win-con with some evasion....but Mogis, God of Slaughter is fairly weak here. He needs a more dedicated build I would use Sheoldred, Whispering One instead. It's more stylish for a deck wanting to troll people. U could even throw in some Fulminator Mage type of cards to take advantage of her.
December 23, 2014 2:29 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #12
Mogis and keranos act as the same card in this deck... Only there to go "I'm not moving until you're dead and I get shuffled back into the deck"
December 23, 2014 3:29 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #13
Snapcaster Mage? That card's real good. Also, four Lightning Bolts. 3 looks stupid.
December 23, 2014 3:35 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #15
No, he isn't. He costs five mana, and certainly isn't killing early creatures. I'd cut Izzet Charm (very bad for control decks) for the fourth Bolt. Also, Snapcaster Mage.
December 23, 2014 4:03 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #16
Also playsets to not "look" stupid IS stupid when it's better to do what works regardless of how it "looks"
December 23, 2014 4:04 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #17
That's not the real reason, that's my lazy reason.
Less than 4 Lightning Bolts does not work. Early removal is imperative for control, as is diversified answers. Spell Pierce won't answer everything, Izzet Charm is weak in this style. Learning which cards are the best and most efficient for Modern control decks is important to winning games.
December 23, 2014 4:06 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #18
Trying and failing is key to learning and adapting, I got forked bolt and lightning bolt at 3 making 6 turn 1 removal spells, izzet charm is included for it's flexibility and you misunderstood what I meant about keranos, once I gav him out will be bolt almost every turn
December 23, 2014 4:11 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #19
I'd up the number of Lightning Bolts to 4 like GlistenerAgent is saying. In my deck, it has helped me numerous times. When editing my deck, I never even bother looking at changing the number of Lightning Bolts I'm playing. It's too good for control. Izzet Charm is weird and doesn't really offer as much flexibility as you'd like. It's a worse Mana Leak, the looting isn't good for a control deck, and the two damage is negligible. Snapcaster Mage could easily replace Izzet Charm and the Forked Bolts. If you do take out the last Forked Bolt, that could allow room for another Cruel Ultimatum. I find that two works best in a Cruel Control deck. Take out one Dig Through Time for another Cryptic Command. Although you want to troll people, Mogis, God of Slaughter really is subpar, like APPLE01DOJ said. Saying that Keranos, God of Storms is your "4th bolt" seems silly, too. He comes out turn 5, and you're only playing one. At that point, you'll be hitting larger creatures that won't die or your opponent. Put him in the sideboard for control matchups. Replace the Spell Pierces with Spell Snares. Spell Snare is a much more powerful counterspell. Spell Pierce can only hit noncreature spells whereas Spell Snare can hit Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, and those other good things.
December 23, 2014 5 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #20
I'm sure I'll figure out how to edit this deck against my delver/pod/burn/twin meta just fine testing it myself, I think doing well at FNM's should be my first step. This isn't a cruel control list, it's grixis control using cruel ultimatum because I'm in the colours and it's a strong. I run the number of digs i run because it allows me to run my wins at singles and is just so strong for the deck
December 23, 2014 5:48 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #21
tyforthevenom why must u shoot down every piece of helpful advice? People are commenting for your benefit so stop being defensive and reevaluate some of the tools people are suggesting. Things like Spell Snare & the 4th Lightning Bolt are tried and true.
December 23, 2014 7:39 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #22
i "shoot down" suggestions that don't affect my local meta where spell snare and a 4th lightning bolt are redundancies that are not needed alongside the rest of the lost.... literally the total number of goyfs in my lgs totals to 1, a 4th lightning bolt when i have 3xLightning Bolt 3xForked Bolt 3xElectrolyze 2xTerminate 2xAnger of the Gods not to mention 2x Damnation means the odds of me having a problem with early aggro are low and if i happen to have a problem with it i have 4 ways to restart the board
December 23, 2014 7:44 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #23
i keep them in mind for future changes don't get me wrong, i have written down every suggestion from the most stupid "run Blightsteel Colossus" to things like "run 4 dig through time 4 cryptics 1 keranos..........." but i'm explaining as best i can with my own awkward way why they're not in the initial structure
December 23, 2014 7:46 p.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #24
So if your method is tested and correct, why do renowned professionals and people with heaps of experience hqve different lists to you? I understand your metagame, but no Spell Snare and only 3 Bolts seems wrong. Your overboard on sweepers and dont have enough 1 for 1. Why is forked bolt good in your meta?
December 23, 2014 7:48 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #25
plus, i won't flat out a suggestion based on anything less than a full explanation
bijschjdbcd says... #1
Glistener Elf? That deck tends to run Blighted Agent and Ichorclaw Myr.
Decks that run Snapcaster Mage also have Remand and Mana Leak. Or Young Pyromancer if its the delver variant.
Wall of Roots is usually accompanied by Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Voice of Resurgence
December 22, 2014 7:46 p.m.