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$20 Chocolate Milk For Healthy Bones

Standard Aggro Budget Mono-Black



Creature (1)

Artifact (1)


Creature (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (2)

In the War against Expensive Decks, the Neglected Mono decks start to rise up. Seeking to cast out the dual lands and shocks, they bravely march against the tide. Waves after waves of Brittle Bones breaking against the shores.

Pick your Teeth with these combo platters.

Abhorrent Overlord + Dark Prophecy

As always, Prices subject to change.

If I had just a little bit more, I'd put in Erebos, God of the Dead for his beautiful synergy.

Please playtest this deck and offer your suggestions below


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Here's been some of the Matchups so far.

Mono Green Hexproof = 2-1 I killed myself by having 2 Dark Prophecies and triggering Rachet while I had 8 harpies out the first game, and the next two the value of Xathrid Necromancer's abilities just kept my field replenished and the opponent playing defensively.

Red-White Battalion Deck = 2-0 His Kill spells couldn't handle the fact I still got a zombie for them. Couldn't burn me out due to a ton of life gain. Every game ended with 30+ Life on my side.

Mono-White Weenie = 1-2. Dominated by Protection.

Mono-Black = 2-1 Always annoying to fight against, because of mainboard Doom Blade.

White-Black Control = 1-2 Close fight, they simply had a stronger late game board presence. They were using Festering Newt + Gift of Immortality + Ogre Slumlord as a brutal combination.


Revision 7 See all

(11 years ago)

+1 Bile Blight maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #22 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

12 - 2 Rares

3 - 4 Uncommons

23 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.50
Tokens Harpy 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks by Other People, Mono Fun, good decks, maybeplayz, Ideas for Decks, Mono Black , Budget, Other Users Decks, Decks I Want To Try, Want totry
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