$20 Cycling Deck WINS on turn 3!? (infinite combo)
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turnyouover says... #2
Thanks Nigeltastic, this is one of my favorite combos.
November 13, 2014 12:36 p.m.
You definitely need Lotus Petal in this deck, instead of the island. With a combo you can win at turn 2 instead of 3 if i calculated correctly by casting Laboratory Maniac with Unearth. You also need a Lightning Axe to put the Maniac in the graveyard.You said you have 2 cards open for suggestion, I give you 3 but you have to remove the island. It's just 7 dollars more but it ends 1 turn faster.
Turn 1:
- Random land
Turn 2:
Start cycling until you draw 2 Lotus Petal and the Lightning Axe.
Use the 2 petals and use LIghtning Axe to discard Laboratory Maniac.
Put Laboratory Maniac back into play with Unearth
Start cycling again until you have no more cards into the deck
You can either do that or play Fluctuator straight on turn one if you have Lotus Petal and Blasted Landscape in the opening hand, finishing the combo on turn 2 playing another Blasted Landscape and the 2nd Petal to cast Laboratory Maniac.
Not sure if you can win at turn 1 without ridiculously expansive or illegal cards, that would be interesting to check..
The Gitaxian Probe is surely worth in a combo deck since it basically allows you to play with 56 cards instead of 60, increasing the odds to get Fluctuator sooner. Same thing for the Street Wraith, you might lose a lot of life early but you don't really care if your deck ends on turn 2.
November 17, 2014 9:05 a.m.
Ok nevermind, combo looked so nice but apparently I didn't consider that the limit to turn win in turn 2 is only 7 non-cycling cards in the deck (8 if you don't start first), otherwise the combo stops. Daaam, it looked so amazing :P
I mean, you can still build up a deck that can end on turn 2 removing fluctuators until you reach the non-cycling card limit but then I guess the deck becomes less reliable.
Anyway, this is a nice example of why power 9 are banned, a simple reusable mox at turn one would make it possible!
November 17, 2014 9:37 a.m.
turnyouover says... #7
Thank you for the suggestions V0ldy! Yea trying to win on turn 2 would be really difficult when 4 of the cards are going to be Fluctuator. I also tried to make this deck more simple so it wouldn't be too confusing and better for casual play.
November 17, 2014 11:16 a.m.
No idea why I'm getting obsessed with this deck :P
Found that Careful Study works way better than Lightning Axe. Now you can actually finish on turn 2 starting first removing only one Fluctuator from the deck. You might leave 4 Fluctuators but then i guess you could only do the 2nd turn combo if you can draw at turn 1.
So, for now my idea is:
- +2 Lotus Petal
- +2 Gitaxian Probe
-1 Island
- -1 Fluctuator (or not, depends if you want to be able to end on turn 2 in evey circumstance).
- -3 or 4 cycling spells (depends if you keep the fluctuator or not)
I'm gonna try some experiment with Sol Ring now ;)
November 17, 2014 11:19 a.m.
turnyouover says... #9
V0ldy - I don't know why I never thought about Sol Ring before, I'll take it into consideration. Unfortunately after playtesting for a while, I forgot that 2 of the cards are used for playing lands, and really, only 6 of these cards can be used for non-cycling unless I go 2nd. I could use Careful Study to replace one of the cycling cards since I could use it to discard any of the non-cycling cards. Its worth about the same price as Unearth, so I will replace that, THANKS!
November 17, 2014 11:47 a.m.
turnyouover says... #10
After playtesting with Careful Study, I realize that it consumes U on turn 3, and the only other way I could have a laboratory maniac on turn 3 is spend B on Unearth which is unlikely. I'm really trying to avoid adding that Lotus Petal because the price is kind of outrageous. It brings up the deck price by like $25. :(
November 17, 2014 12:01 p.m.
That is the special edition, Lotus Petal from tempest is quite cheap for its power.
November 17, 2014 12:11 p.m.
awesome list! i definitely plan on making this in the near future! although after playtesting a few times it seems that there are one too many non-cycle cards...
November 18, 2014 12:31 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #14
I disagree with the one-too-many cycling cards. It's worked perfectly with consistent turn 3-4 wins every time I play it. The only issue I ran into was when Laboratory Maniac is the bottom card of the library, then it can be a little weird, but still works. Another one that hurt was when I didn't hit the first Fluctuator until halfway through my library. That's just the luck of the draw though, not much to do about that.
November 18, 2014 12:53 p.m.
i said too many non-cycling cards, not too many cycling cards lol, but im going to assume you meant non-cycling cards. ive been playtesting this a lot and ive hit the T3 combo off twice, every other time was 5 or later, mostly 6, due to that one extra card stopping me from cycling through on T4-T5. but thats just what ive noticed through the like at least 10 times ive playtested. needless to say its a great (and fun, may i add) deck and when i make it i can change it up if i want. just was saying what my observation was after playtesting in hopes it will make it more consistent with winning on T3
November 18, 2014 2:38 p.m.
turnyouover says... #16
For the most part, as long as you can get Fluctuator by turn 2, your good to go. You could always add more expensive cards or Gitaxian Probes to make this deck more effective, but I'm trying to keep this deck in a Budget. Too much life loss can be dangerous against Aggro.
November 18, 2014 3:07 p.m.
CrovaxTheCursed says... #17
Yes, I did mean non-cycling cards lol, my mistake. The only thing I can think to take out to put more cycling cards in is the Island. The 4x Fluctuator seems like it's absolutely necessary to get it as early as possible, and the Maniac ofc has got to be there. That just leaves the Island, so is that where you were having trouble running into a non-cycler? Or drawing too many Fluctuator? I originally thought that drawing into the Fluctuators would be a problem, but as long as you make sure you have 4 Cycling cards in your hand at the time you set it off, you never run out. I would agree too that the life-loss from combo-ing off is pretty dangerous sometimes. I mean, losing 8 life from the Wraiths and 4 life from the Probes can get pretty damn close sometimes. You could trade out the Wraiths for something like Disciple of Malice (or any other normal Cycling 2 card) if the life loss gets to be too much. Although, I will say that the Wraith's ability to cycle without mana is EXTREMELY useful. Likewise, the Probes ability to do the same has gotten me to the combo much quicker on a regular basis. Some non-life-loss cyclers would make good sideboard spots.
November 18, 2014 4:06 p.m.
turnyouover says... #18
CrovaxTheCursed: Another user recommended Careful Study to me, which is actually very relevant to this deck. You can discard a Fluctuator and Laboratory Maniac and draw 2 more cards, allowing space for another non-cycling card, however it would still cause this deck to win on turn 3 with Unearth and will only slightly increase chances of obtaining Fluctuator on turn 2 due to being only 1 Island. Due to the B needed for Unearth, it would really just do the same thing as my deck normally would do if I added a Lotus Petal; I didn't add them because of the costs and confusion.
November 18, 2014 4:18 p.m.
Beastly friend I've been standard for so long it really leaves me curious as to the things I could break. There is just so many cards it's overwhelming hah. I feel as I'm only fairly well versed in standard.amazing fun deck+1!
November 18, 2014 6:14 p.m.
This comment is specifically directed at turnyouover & V0ldy. Careful Study in this construct is crazy. Laboratory Maniac doesn't have to be the win condition with Careful Study existing. Careful Study, being cast with or without a Lotus Petal, now allows you to feature Progenitus, Darksteel Colossus, Blightsteel Colossus, etc...
November 18, 2014 8:11 p.m.
FireballBrony says... #21
I think that for safety reasons you might wanna add another Laboratory Maniac,I know its an incredibly low chance, but just in case it ends up on the as the bottom card and you dont make yourself lose accidentally.
November 18, 2014 9:15 p.m.
I would put at least two basic lands in your deck because you are pretty much winning on turn 4 not 3 because your turn 3 or 2 land must enter the battlefield tapped causing you not to be able to play Fluctuator or Laboratory Maniac
November 18, 2014 10:50 p.m.
This comment is specifically directed at turnyouover & V0ldy. I now realize the flaw in my theory. Unearth can only bring a creature into play with a mana cost of three or less. Once this was discovered, I found another way to play Progenitus, casting Careful Study and Reanimate.
November 19, 2014 12:02 a.m.
This comment is specifically directed at turnyouover & V0ldy. I realized another flaw, Progenitus can't be sent to the graveyard, but if you replaced Progenitus for Iona, Shield of Emeria or Demon of Death's Gate, Careful Study and Reanimate lookin' good.
November 19, 2014 12:27 a.m.
Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile might make a good argument for a second copy of your win condition. You won't be Unearthing Laboratory Maniac from exile any time soon. Cool deck, though. +1
Nigeltastic says... #1
Lmao this is amazing.
November 13, 2014 12:32 p.m.