$20 Cycling Deck WINS on turn 3!? (infinite combo)

Legacy turnyouover

SCORE: 487 | 126 COMMENTS | 82004 VIEWS | IN 383 FOLDERS

DreadKhan says... #1

A very interesting deck idea, but would be much, much stronger maybe with some fast mana, IE Simian Spirit Guide or Elvish Spirit Guide (maybe even Lotus Petal ) either of which can help get fluctuator out turn one, and can help play Maniac sooner, or even be used to cycle faster to dig for your fluctuators.

I think as is this deck would have a very hard time vs a fast deck, since it can't slow down an aggro deck very well, other than a 1/3 first striking wall which isn't exactly cheap at 2 mana. Still, vs a slower deck type, this can pull off a surprise win. It often was a turn too slow vs my faster decks, but would easily win vs my slower ones I think.

September 8, 2019 7:20 a.m.

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