20+ Damage on turn 3? LOL (Sideboard Added)

Modern Moobu

SCORE: 141 | 209 COMMENTS | 41562 VIEWS | IN 55 FOLDERS

KorApprentice says... #1

You could definitely drop a , it would actually be more consistent.

March 6, 2012 11:37 p.m.

Moobu says... #2

Yeah, I'm also finding it a little on the low end of creatures so that would help a lot. Thanks for all of the help you've given KorApprentice. You've been extremely instrumental in the current version of the deck here. Now its just a matter of tracking down some people to trade for 3 more steam vents... v_v

March 7, 2012 12:40 a.m.

KorApprentice says... #3

I wish I could help you there, I only have Scalding TarnMTG Card: Scalding Tarns, and I hoard them.

March 7, 2012 1:36 a.m.

BuLLZ3Y3 says... #4

Remember when Zendikar was in standard, and people traded Fetches like Ten dollar bills? Now, everyone's like "No! My Fetches!"

sigh Oh how I miss Zendikar Standard...

As far as the deck goes, you definitely either need a Turn AsideMTG Card: Turn Aside or an Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing in order to make a confirmed kill, due to the high amount of kill spells available in Modern. Path to ExileMTG Card: Path to Exile, Lightning BoltMTG Card: Lightning Bolt, etc.

Looks good though. I play this in Pauper using Lotus PetalMTG Card: Lotus Petal's. =D


March 7, 2012 7 p.m.

Moobu says... #5

BuLLZ3Y3, you kinda made a suggestion that's already been done lol... I run Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing mainboard and Turn AsideMTG Card: Turn Aside sideboard for now. If you like the deck a +1 would be great =P

March 7, 2012 9:55 p.m.

gatheringgreg says... #6

I would consider putting in one or two Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage thereby doubling your socerey/instant count. With all the phyrexian mana you have you may only need to cast the snap in order to get double the attack power bonus to your creatures. The more i think about that the more i like it.

March 8, 2012 6:34 a.m.

gatheringgreg says... #7

I just ran a few test runs substituting the GelectrodeMTG Card: Gelectrodes as Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mages and i was very pleased with the results. Casting a snap and flashing back a Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe for another Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe turns that otherwise useless git.probe in your graveyard into a lethal combo was exhilarating even in solitaire. I wish i could double +1 because that was fun. Also, my decks may not be this awesome but i would appreciate any input you could give me on any of them.

March 8, 2012 6:58 a.m.

Mr_Nate says... #8

Where is ManamorphoseMTG Card: Manamorphose? This spell cantrips and pays for itself, fixes potential problems and keeps a combo chain going.

March 8, 2012 12:59 p.m.

Moobu says... #9

I really like the suggestion of ManamorphoseMTG Card: Manamorphose I just can't figure out where to fit it. I feel like Gut ShotMTG Card: Gut Shot is my weakest spell but I'm just not sure. Actually I guess I could afford to remove a few more lands for it? I'll have to play teste with my ratios.

March 8, 2012 9:40 p.m.

Mr_Nate says... #10

Yeah I think you could dump some lands for them, a lot of the ascension/storm lists end up playing 16-18 lands. I like this deck a lot will mock up my own version of it soon :)

March 9, 2012 12:12 a.m.

XyZiron says... #11

Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge seems spiffy since it has flashback. Also cards like GroundswellMTG Card: Groundswell seems good with sac-lands and a copy or two of Glistener ElfMTG Card: Glistener Elf or Blighted AgentMTG Card: Blighted Agent as an alternate win con (ie, a double strike 1/1 infect with a GroundswellMTG Card: Groundswell or a couple Mutagenic GrowthMTG Card: Mutagenic Growths is lethal)

March 9, 2012 12:50 a.m.

XyZiron says... #12

Also pyromancer ascention ftw!!!!

March 9, 2012 12:52 a.m.

elbenji says... #13

How about something that gives trample? I'm just thinking of




and attack for 56

-Lightning Bolt-

March 9, 2012 2:48 a.m.

Moobu says... #14

Don't forget to +1 it then Mr_Nate. In regards to artful dodge, Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing gives unblockable if needed. Considering that the deck is USUALLY swinging for lethal damage on turn 3-4 You only really need to get around 1 creature. elbenji keep in mind that this deck is running spells to make Kiln FiendMTG Card: Kiln Fiend unblockable. Not to mention Wee DragonautsMTG Card: Wee Dragonauts have flying so they're hard to block as it is.

March 9, 2012 3:06 a.m.

elbenji says... #15

True, was thinking more along the lines of lightning bolts all over the place though

March 9, 2012 3:12 a.m.

Mr_Nate says... #16

Also I would consider something like . he seems like he is just there to draw out a piece of h ate, and does nothing to feed your Kiln FiendMTG Card: Kiln Fiend/Wee DragonautsMTG Card: Wee Dragonauts synergy

March 9, 2012 3:54 a.m.

XyZiron says... #17

you know Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile can deal with lightning bolt and maybe Berserk or Unnatural PredationMTG Card: Unnatural Predation just in case? (Berserk seems especially good)

March 9, 2012 4:45 a.m.

thewizard63 says... #18

I see the deck as blue redXyZiron so the suggestions don't seem to fit well. However, I agree that Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile might be what saves against that lightning bolt threat.

MoonmistMTG Card: Moonmists or FogMTG Card: Fogs might be the bane of this deck.

Kudos to Moobu, +1 bump.

I'm more an 'Avalanche' player (build until it all comes at you.) Please comment on my Crushing Mill or Mighty Myr. I'd love some advice.

March 9, 2012 3:24 p.m.

XyZiron says... #19

Yeah, you loose to any FogMTG Card: Fog effect or any spot removal (ie Swords to PlowsharesMTG Card: Swords to Plowshares or Path to ExileMTG Card: Path to Exile, Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade, etc.)

March 11, 2012 10:43 a.m.

Moobu says... #20

XyZiron, The spot removal is covered by Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing. I haven't come up with a surefire answer to FogMTG Card: Fog effects but I'm guessing running a counterspell and potentially having to make two attacks for the win will be the best answer.

March 11, 2012 2:39 p.m.

Mr_Nate says... #21

If you run a counterspell, run RemandMTG Card: Remand for the cantrips.

March 11, 2012 3:13 p.m.

yyuyyy says... #22

You do realize that storm copies are put directly onto the stack, right? So Kiln FiendMTG Card: Kiln Fiend would only get +(x+3)/+0, where x is the number of spells cast this turn.

March 11, 2012 8:34 p.m.

Moobu says... #23

yyuyyy yeah I revised the deck and dropped the storm cards. I was just too lazy to fix the description.

March 12, 2012 3:21 a.m.

MattMcGowan says... #24

And then they kill your creature in response to the pumps and you lose

March 13, 2012 6:48 a.m.

Moobu says... #25

And then I give it protection from the color of the kill spell in response using Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing and still win? Did you even look at the deck? Or did you just see the card kiln fiend, assumed you knew everything, and shot straight to the comment box?

March 13, 2012 6:56 a.m.

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